Chapter 16

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The declaration that Luffy made, about Rose's recruitment, was only met with the sound of the campfire crackling for a few seconds until Ace spoke up. "Luffy, when exactly did you recruit her?"

"Just after we left Drum Island and had a party for Chopper joining."

Ace nods at this while keeping an amused grin on his face. "Were you drunk when you recruited her?"

"Yea, why?"

As soon as he sees the clueless look on his brother's face, he couldn't take it anymore and bursts out laughing.

Luffy starts getting angry when he sees Ace holding his sides in laughter. "I'm being serious! Quit laughing!"

Ace quickly recovers and waves his hand dismissively. "Sorry, sorry, but tell me, did you ever talk to Rose about this?"

"No, I forgot for a bit."

Ace immediately loses his smile at Luffy's explanation. "You really did forget?"

He nods as if nothing's wrong. "Yea, I forgot for a while, but now I remember."

"If you forgot, then why didn't you ask her again on the way here?"

"She was avoiding me because we had a fight when I was drunk. She never told me what we fought about though."

Ace pauses at the story, before he drops his head into his hands. "You idiot..."

Luffy tilts his head at his brother's frustration. "What's the matter?"

"What you guys fought about was her joining the crew..."

He drops his jaw at the answer, that he never thought of. "Wait, what?!"

He slowly nods as he picks up his head. "She knew that you forgot, and played it off like it didn't happen. She probably thinks that you only recruited her because you were drunk."

Luffy widens his eyes at this, before he scowls at him. "Then I'll recruit her again! That means you can't take her with you!"

Ace blinks at the declaration before he smiles and pats him on the shoulder. "Relax; I never wanted to take her with me."

Luffy immediately calms down at his brother's reassurance, but grows confusion. "Really? Then why did you say that you wanted to?"

Ace chuckles at how his plan played out too perfectly. "I wanted to make sure that you recruited her, but I didn't expect you to get so annoyed."

Luffy's eyes shoot out as he remembers the 'mystery feeling' that he's been having all day. "You noticed too?! I've been feeling like this for half the day, and it keeps coming back! I don't know how to get rid of it!"

Ace widens his eyes at Luffy's blunt statement before a small smirk forms on his face. "Oh really? Tell me, when did you first get annoyed?"

"When I watched you talking to Rose and hugging her."

Ace nods at this and keeps going. "Did you feel like this again when I was around her?"

Luffy widens his eyes as he looks back to all the times he got angry today, and realizes that it's true. "Yea, exactly! What's going on here?!"

Ace laughs at his brother's confusion before he smirks. "You my little brother, are jealous."

Luffy raises an eyebrow at the name of his mystery emotion. "I'm jealous? I don't like it, how do I get rid of it?"

Ace does the best he can to hold back from laughing before he gives Luffy some advice. "Here's what you gotta do: First, you gotta wrap your arms around her. Then, you have to tell her exactly what you're feeling."

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