Chapter 23

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Luffy's outburst about Rose's cold wind has left her completely stunned because this makes him the winner of the bet for her recruitment. When she snaps out of it, she scowls at him and takes his arms off her shoulders. "You're still playing that game?"

Luffy keeps his eyes on her as he refuses to back down. "I'm right aren't I? Your cold wind means-"

"Why the hell are you still trying?!" Rose angrily asks as she grabs him by the collar of his shirt, but he doesn't flinch as she keeps going. "Did you even listen to a goddamn word I said in Yuba?! I'll disappear on you guys when the comet comes, so why are you still trying to recruit me?!"

Luffy narrows his eyes at the excuse as he answers her. "Because you won't disappear!"

"You don't know that!"

"Yes I do, because you'll finish the research by then! You can stop yourself from disappearing if you don't want to leave!"

Most of the wind girl's anger fades from his confidence in her succeeding, something that she rarely received in her world, and lets go of his shirt. She tiredly sighs as she tries to figure out what to do. *This is Luffy after all; he's not the type to doubt someone's dream. But, if he knew that I know about his past along with what Ace's future could be...*

She takes a step back while she glares at him. "Then let me ask you this. Do you remember the friend I told you about that came here from another world?"

Luffy nods at the question, so she continues her attempt to drive him off. "She's a demon that has knowledge of both the past and future of this world. She even knows your future along with the rest of the crew's, and can use it to hurt everyone."

The captain widens his eyes at the new information. "You're serious?!"

She slowly nods as she tightens her fists at the memory of Sanji, Usopp and Nami's reactions to her knowledge, but nonetheless she asks him her question. "If she was here what would you do?"

He blinks at the off topic question before he blankly answers her. "I'd ask if she can poop."

Rose widens her eyes at the simple, yet serious, answer before she grits her teeth and covers her face. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Luffy freezes at her reaction when he sees her starting to tremble. "Hey, are you-"

He stops himself when she lifts her head back and starts laughing loudly while she hugs her sides. She collapses on her knees from laughing so much and tries to hold it in, but fails miserably. "Hahaha, o-of all the q-questions, t-that's what you'd ask?! S-seriously?! Hahahaha!"

He blinks at her sudden laughter, but seeing her genuinely smiling again causes him to laugh along with her as he watches her recover.

She takes a deep breath to get the remaining laughter out of her system as she stays seated, and wipes away the tears she made from laughing. *This guy's too much. At this rate, even telling him who I am won't scare him off...*

As her resolve begins to falter, she nervously looks up at Luffy for one last confirmation. "If-if she really did know your crew's past and future, would you be her friend?"

Luffy tilts his head at the question. "You ask a lot of weird questions. If she's your friend then she's not a bad person, so why shouldn't we be friends?"

Rose could practically feel her heart leap at the honest answer, that breaks through her walls, and lets herself start believing that he won't turn away from her or her past. She slowly shakes her head to stop herself from getting too emotional and looks away from him. "I just wanted to make sure. Sorry, I know my questions are pretty odd. That being said..."

A Wish on a Comet (Luffy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now