Chapter 21

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Vivi, Rose, and the rest of the Straw Hats, who are riding on the crab, have settled down for the evening as the crab journeys through the desert to Alubarna. As soon as the crab left Rain Base, Rose decided to try to regain some of her strength by taking a nap. She uses her backpack as a pillow, and lies down on her back on the center of the ride before she allows herself to drift off.

Nami looks down at the scrawny girl sleeping next to her and raises an eyebrow at her behavior. She thinks back on how hard Rose fought to get them out of the cage and decides to let her rest. *I can't believe how reckless she is. It's one thing to not flinch when facing those bananadiles, but she taunted a warlord and called him Scarface... Reminds me of a certain captain I know...*

She sighs in disbelief of that there's actually another living person that can be as reckless as Luffy. The redhead has a feeling that if Luffy manages to recruit the sleeping girl, then they would either make a great team or a big headache, probably both. She decides not to worry about the possibility until the time comes, so she looks to see how Vivi's doing. The blue haired princess looks as worried as ever, as she stares back at the path they took.

Nami sighs at the worried princess before she sits next to her. "You don't need to worry so much."

Vivi snaps out of her trance from Nami's voice then gives her an obviously fake smile. "I don't know what you mean. I'm not worried."

"That was the worst act I've ever seen." Nami says, as she flicks her friend on the forehead.

Vivi rubs her forehead, then sees Nami patting her on the shoulder. "You know how strong Luffy is. We'll see him before you know it."

The royal blinks at her friend's unwavering confidence in her captain before a small, genuine, smile forms on her pale face. "Alright, first we should-!"

She pauses when she remembers something important about their route to Alubarna. She quickly brings out her map from her bag, and opens it up for Nami to see. "This is bad, I forgot that there's a large river up ahead!"

Nami looks at the river line on the map, that they're about to encounter, then looks at Vivi in confusion. "So what? Can't the crab just swim through?"

"Desert crabs can't swim!"

All the boys on the ride look at her in utter shock, after they hear the new fact. "WHAT?!"

Rose isn't fazed by the crew's shouting, as she continues to sleep like the dead.

Usopp quickly goes over the girls, and looks at the map with his eyes bugging out. "What do you mean the crab can't swim?!"

"These desert crabs live underground. They can't stand the water!" Vivi says as she stares at the map.

Nami looks at her in confusion before looking at the crab. "But Scissors is a crab! Can't he step over the river?!"

Zoro sweat drops at the name Nami gave the crab, as he mutters under his breath. "Where does she come up with these weird names?"

Usopp shakes his head at the question. "Don't ask me, but Nami has a point. This crab's huge, can't he just step over the stream?"

Vivi sighs at the crew's reaction to her news, as she shows them the map. "Sorry, but he can't. If it was a thin stream then it might work, but it's too wide. We'll be on our own from there."

Nami groans at this, before she looks to see that Rose is still asleep. "Hey Rose, wake up!"

The freckled girl doesn't respond at all, as she continues to soundly sleep.

Sanji looks down at the slumbering brunette with hearts in his eyes. "She's so cute even when she's sleeping!"

Zoro rolls his eyes at the chef's comment. "You're so annoying."

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