Chapter 4

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The following morning, the crew woke up shivering to the sudden coldness in the air. Most of the guys, except Luffy, waste no time in bundling themselves up to get warm. Vivi allowed Rose to borrow a dark green winter jacket, and a pair of dark grey gloves to stay warm, while the two of them stayed in the girls' room to keep Nami company.

Rose places a new damp rag on Nami's head while she's sleeping and sadly looks down at the sick pirate. *Man, aren't we in the Drum Island arc yet?*

Vivi sighs in frustration of how no matter what they're trying, Nami's not getting better. "It looks like her fever is only rising..."

Rose nods at the assumption before she gives the princess a reassuring grin. "Yea, but the next island's doctors will cure her in no time."

"What makes you so sure?"

"You can call it a feeling. I just wish we were there already..." Rose mutters the last part to herself, but Vivi clearly heard her.

Vivi smiles at the wind girl's worries before she pats her shoulder. "Nami's pretty strong, I'm sure she'll pull through until we reach the island. If it makes you feel better, you helped her out a lot last night."

She tilts her head at the news. "I did?"

"Absolutely, when you were telling the boys that Hercules story Nami was able to quickly relax and fall asleep."

Rose blinks in surprise at the comment, because she didn't know she overheard them, before she sheepishly smiles. "I see, I'm happy to hear that. Hey if you don't mind my asking, what's Alabasta like?"

Vivi is taken aback by the change in conversation, but is happy to answer as she grins at the thought of her homeland. "It's a beautiful island with a rich history. My father, King Cobra, always tries his best to care for his people. It's a desert island so it's warm during the day, but really cold at night."

The astronomer nods to the explanation, as if she doesn't know it already, and eagerly looks for more information. "So is it true that Alabasta's night sky's great for astronomy?"

The Alabastian nods to the question. "Yes, it's true. Alabasta rarely has cloudy weather, so it's perfect for astronomy. My father even has a royal astronomer working in the palace. When everything becomes peaceful again, I can introduce you to him if you want."

Rose widens her purple eyes at the offer before she shows off a large smile. "Really?! That would be amazing, thank you!" *This is perfect, I can find out how the Timore comet's viewed in this world!*

The princess softly grins at the future immigrant's enthusiasm. "My pleasure, since you're planning on staying on the island I hope you can come visit me as well."

"Of course."

Both girls turn to the sound of the door opening to see Carue walking in, while Sanji follows with a tray that's carrying three mugs. "Here you go ladies. This should help keep you warm."

He hands Rose and Vivi a mug of tea before he places the tray on the nightstand.

"Thanks Sanji." Rose says before she starts drinking.

Sanji grins at the gratitude before he turns his attention to the sleeping navigator. "Has Nami's fever gone down yet?"

Vivi shakes her head. "Sorry, it hasn't gotten any better. Is there any sign of an island yet?"

He quietly sighs in disappointment. "Not-!" He cuts himself off when the ship starts shaking.

Vivi widens her eyes at the sudden tremor, as she puts the mug down, and holds onto the bed for support. "What's going on?!"

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