Unknown Darkness - Prologue

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  • Dedicated to Mommy Audi <3


"Mom, Dad I'm home." I screamed through an empty house, my voice echoing on the walls. "Mom, Dad!!" I scream even louder. A loud crash in the broom closet makes me jump. As I step closer I see blood spewing from under the door. When I get close enough to put my hand on the door knob I feel the blood seeping into my shoes. I slowly and carefully turn the knob. But what I find is complete darkness. I feel around for a light switch. I place my hand in something sticky and wet. And turn on the light... And my life changes forever. The dead bodies of my parents fall out at me. I sprawl backwards and fall on the slick bloody ground. Their faces show pain and agony. Their necks are cut and there body's are cold. Even though all this I could see the marks on their neck... were there were to evenly spaced fang marks. I run into the kitchen and grab a knife from the kitchen drawer. As the blade caresses my wrist I feel... satisfied... In a way... Any moment my parents are going to come walking through that door. Any moment now... I'll sit here waiting... Forever if that's what it takes... Waiting... But they never come... Their bodies are still there... Dead...

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