forty five

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throwing in some smut because i have realized ive updated 4 times since the start of 2019. thats literally once a month. fuck my life im so sorry :(


everything was starting to fall apart.

it started with alice randomly hissing at everything. louis suspected a ghost or something supernatural because he was always the paranoid type. harry just thought she was being stupid and going through one of her little fits. it turned out that there was a mouse hiding in the kitchen, so louis freaked out when he saw it and pleaded harry to get it out of his face while puking in the trash can because it was so ugly and gross. then, harry got a phone call that zayn was put in the hospital because the twins tried to come early. luckily they were able to stop the labor and hope that he could keep the girls in for atleast another month.

louis was losing more and more weight. he could barely eat, let alone keep water down. the end of his pregnancy was nearing and he felt like he was dying. harry was absolutely terrified. well, terrified was an understatement. it got to the point to where he was having nightly dreams about louis dying in labor because the whole pregnancy shut his body down. he couldn't look at his fiancé without wanting to cry. he looked so pitiful, he was in constant pain and always felt ill. this wasn't right.

"hey," louis said hoarsely and reached for harry's hand. "what's wrong?"

harry shook his head and kissed his knuckles. "just worried about you, baby," he murmured. "you're getting smaller."

"i feel like i'm carrying three grown horses," the pregnant boy groaned and laid his head on harry's shoulder. "ten more days and he will be out of me and i will be the happiest boy in the world. you're never getting me pregnant again, okay?"

harry chuckled and kissed his temple. "what about a few years from now?"

louis narrowed his eyes at the man and judging by his look, the boss took that as a no. harry snuggled against his side, wrapping his arms around him and rubbing his hands on his big tummy. at the last appointment they went to, olly was roughly six pounds and perfect size. they got many ultrasounds and harry hung them on the fridge so they could see their baby boy every day. it was the greatest feeling for harry knowing in just a few short days he would be a real live father with a tiny little boy in his arms, snoozing away while his mummy slept or relaxed from his surgery. words couldn't explain how excited he was. although his love was miserable, he knew louis was happy too. things were still rocky but they were starting to ease up day by day. harry knew it would all be over once his son made his appearance to the world.

"i haven't been puking much," louis said softly. "i was actually able to eat something earlier when you were in the shower."

"i didn't bring you any food," harry frowned. "did you go downstairs?"

louis nods. "'m a big boy, daddy," he pouts. "i was hungry."

"you could have told me and i would have helped you," his fiancé frowned more. "don't want you to slip and fall down the steps."

louis chuckled and stroked his cheek. "just be glad i can eat, okay? don't be mad at me, please."

"i could never," harry gasped and nuzzled his nose against his cheek. "you're too precious to be mad at."

louis smiled softly and patted his tummy. "can we just cuddle and watch the telly today? i don't wanna go out or see anyone. just want some louis and daddy time."

harry cooed and kissed his cheek. "i think that's a wonderful idea, baby. you pick a show and i'll grab some snacks, alright? maybe we can test the waters and see if olly is okay with popcorn."

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