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of course the dumbass that got harry was one of his own. how shameful was that? not only was it embarrassing, but it made everyone look like a fool. harry never thought about the fact that nobody said you couldn't go against your own gang during the annual. but shouldn't that be common sense?

niall shot up and grabbed the man, slinging him down and yelled for help while punching the life out of him. his own supposedly brother just tried to kill his boss. as a gang, they're supposed to be a family. family is supposed to stick together.

"i'm not gonna kill you, but i'm gonna make you wish you were dead," niall spat and punched him a few more times until liam came up. he noticed harry laying in a pool of blood and immediately picked up the man, groaning about his weight and kicked the door on the rooftop open. there were stairs inside that led to the roof and that must have been how elijah got up.

liam carried harry down the stairs and ran to his car while niall drug an unconsious elijah down. the rest of the gang (except for daniel, rest in peace) crowded around liam's car.

"don't let him out of your god damn sight," liam snapped as he motioned over to elijah. "i knew that bastard was sketchy. i'm taking harry to the hospital. niall, i need you to-"

"call louis," harry weakly mumbled. "my boy.."

"we're getting him," liam said and moved harry's hair out of his face. "we're going to doctor mays, remember her?"

harry nodded and groaned. liam buckled him in and got in the car with nothing else to say, speeding out of the lot and to the hospital that was open for gangs and their members. doctor mays was assigned to their gang, and she rarely got anyone so she helped with other alliances.

niall had someone ride in the backseat with elijah just in case the man woke up and his fingers were quick to dial andy's number.

"hey, niall, what's up?"

"andy, i need you to bring louis to saint luke's as soon as possible. harry's been shot and he wants him."

"daddy?" louis whimpered. "he promised he would be okay!"

"i know, bud. but it wasn't someone we were fighting that did it," niall sighed as he followed liam, who had his emergency lights on. niall turned his on as well, glancing back in the rearview mirror to see the remaining cars did the exact same. "louis, can you come up and try not to freak out? bring your coloring book or something. you'll have to stay in the waiting room with us but i promise you will be the first one to see him."

"he's already out the door and waiting at my car. thank you niall, i'll meet you there," andy said and hung up.

louis shook as he rode to the emergency room. all of the worst possibilities came to his head. could harry die? who shot him? what did niall mean it wasn't someone they were fighting? why was niall so calm about it?

it made louis' head pound. too many thoughts were flying through his mind.

andy sloppily parked between two lines and louis ran to liam, who was waiting at the door. "is he okay?!"

"they just took him back," liam said. "he lost alot of-"

"hush," niall cut him off. "don't scare him."

"is he gonna..die?" louis' lip wobbled.

niall shook his head and both men surrounded the tiny boy in a group hug. "he's not gonna die," niall said softly. "they just might have to do surgery and fix him."

louis whimpered and fisted niall's bloody shirt as tears escaped his eyes. he knew it was a bad idea for harry to fight. he should have tried harder to make him stay. harry promised he wouldn't get hurt and he did.

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