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there was a firm knock on the door and harry made louis stay back while he opened it. louis pouted at the loss of his daddy's warmth but when he saw another man come back in the room with harry, he sat up more properly. the man had short brown hair, large brown eyes and tattoos littering his arms and hands.

"doll, this is liam," harry said, offering his hand out for his sub. louis took it and stood, giving the man a shy wave. "liam, this is my submissive, louis."

"you were right, he is a pretty one," liam chuckled. louis bit his lip and stared at his feet. harry squeezed his hand and joked with the lad that his own submissive may not like hearing about that and the three went to the living room. louis was settled on harry's lap while liam sat across from them.

"so, um," liam cleared his throat. "niall believes that the rouge mafia is choosing us for the annual."

"of course," harry sighed.

"what's the annual, sir?" louis asked softly. harry rose an eyebrow at liam, silently asking him to elaborate. louis squirmed on his lap, yawning and listened when the other lad spoke to him.

"every year, there's a big fight between gangs," liam said. "that's why it's called the annual, it happens annually."

louis nodded.

"one gang that doesn't like us so much is wanting to fight us. that means both sides go on a spree to fight until death. the last gang standing wins," the wolverhampton lad shrugged. "if we all die, they win. if they all die, we win. we then go on as if nothing happened and wait for the next annual."

louis gawked and stared at the man with widened eyes. "die?!"

"yes," harry said softly. "we lose atleast one person a year, so this year we need to make sure that doesn't happen. liam, i need you to make sure everyone is equipped and trained for this. i don't think louis will be capable of fighting so i will have to have him sent elsewhere-"

"daddy's not dying," louis shook his head. "i'll help."

"i'm not dying," harry promised. "but you're not getting hurt, doll. you can barely tie your shoes."

louis blushed at the comment and shut up, looking down at harry's hands that were resting along his tummy. harry gave him a reassuring rub with his thumb and liam chewed on his lip. the annual was rough, it was similar to the purge but it wasn't the whole you-can-do-anything-for-24-hours ordeal. it was a fight for life. like liam said, the last gang standing wins. it gets bloody, it gets brutal and it can get traumatizing.

the main reason harry didn't want louis around the event was because he knew if he got the slightest bit hurt louis would come running to his side. that put the small boy at risk for getting attacked and harry really wasn't trying to turn the place into a slaughterhouse. if louis got hurt, it was over. harry would go on a murderous rampage alone and kill everyone that stepped in his way.

"when is it?" louis asked quietly.

"next month," harry mumbled. "august seventh."

louis frowned and nodded. that was close.

"i need to head out, but i wanted to tell you this in person instead of on the phone," liam said. "i'll talk to you later? it was nice meeting you, louis."

louis replied 'same to you' and hary squeezed his sub for being a good boy before shaking liam's hand curtly. when he heard the door shut, louis frowned and scratched at his hand.

"what's wrong?" harry asked.

"nothing," louis said quietly, almost like a whisper.

"louis," harry warned. "don't lie to me."

"'m not lyin'," louis mumbled and crossed his arms. he had a pout etched onto his face and harry kissed the nape of his neck.

"tell me."

"i just don't want you to get hurt," louis frowned. "i don't want to have a dead daddy and have to go back to elite-"

"baby," harry interrupted. "stop stressing about it. i'll be okay. now give daddy a kiss and we can make lunch, sound like a plan?"

louis nodded and stood, leaning down to press his lips to harry's. the man grabbed louis' sides and slid them back to give his arse a small squeeze and louis clamped his teeth down on harry's lip from shock of the sudden action. harry flinched and moaned and louis pulled back. his cheeks were a furious shade of red. he just heard his daddy moan for the first time and it was music to his ears. all because he accidentally bit him.

"so, lunch?" louis grinned and walked off, smirking to himself when his daddy immediately stumbled to the kitchen after him.


louis rolled out of bed and went to harry, who was stumped on what to wear. he had his jeans and boots on but was debating between two shirts, a sheer black one and a black one with red flowers. louis watched harry lick his lips in concentration and the man groaned, skimming through more clothes.

"the flowers," louis said softly. "'s pretty."

harry picked up the black and red one curiously and louis nodded. "yes!"

"thank you, babe," harry kissed his temple and put the shirt over his shoulders. louis shyly put on one of harry's sweaters and decided to wear his white shoes instead of his yellow ones. harry thought he was beautiful.

harry had to meet up with the gang and didn't want to leave his little submissive upstairs by himself. louis was happy to explore and meet new people, but harry was weary on the situation. louis was jaw dropping, definitely a looker. if someone were to even glance at his backside harry would probably shoot them. he didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea that since someone new is around they can run them over with superiority. that was harry's job. as the boss, he made sure what went down and what didn't.

and nobody would mess with what was his, that's for sure.

cars lined up around harry's house and parked in the back like usual. liam was typically the first one in, as harry's right hand man, and he let everyone else in and kept track of who was there and who was missing. when a total of sixteen people littered harry's basement seated around the table in the center, liam marked down that there was perfect attendance and stuck it in the manila folder in harry's seat.

"liam, grab another chair please," harry said when he and louis made it to the basement. liam did so and set it on the other side of harry. harry flipped through the papers in the folder and looked at his gang.

"any reports?"

"we have a pick up coming tomorrow," niall said. "mostly marijuana, but some pills and heroin. one of us have to get to it around two and bring it straight here."

harry nodded. "if you need me to go with you, let me know. anything new?"

"why don't you share your news?" one of harry's members, elijah, coughed and sent a look to the boy sitting next to him. louis dropped his head and scratched at his hand, which harry leaned over and broke up by entwining one of his own with louis'.

"why don't you let me do that myself when i feel it's necessary?" harry rose an eyebrow. he squeezed louis' hand and told him to look up, and the boy did as told.

"this is my submissive, louis. he will attend our meetings, but until further notice he is to not be affiliated with this gang and anything in it. that means you don't ask him to tell me things, you don't talk to him about them and you most definitely do not try to get him to sell shit for us. if i find out that one of you are manipulating my boy i will kill you without a care in the world. understood?"

louis bit his lip as the eerily silent crew nodded.

"the only person besides myself allowed to mention things is liam because he told louis about the annual for me. otherwise, i expect you lot to keep your mouths shut but treat him with dignity and respect. treat him like one of our own," harry rubbed his thumb over louis'. louis couldn't help but smile because harry was looking out for him.

"now," harry adverted his gaze over to elijah. "is there or is there not anything else we need to discuss?"


there's a snippet of what some chapters will be like. gang meetings & shit. (:

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