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The next thing I know I'm at Shadow's lair with grandma and Candy staring at Shadow himself.

Next to Shadow stood Lavender and Thunder. Thunder glared at me intensely. I looked at Lavender and her eyes glimmered with mischief.

Both of their arm lights were a tainted grey. I can't believe Lavender joined those two villains. It was bad enough that Thunder had turned but now Lavender to?! Why?!

Shadow grinned, "I see you've come to me. Here to surrender?"

I growled, "I would never surrender to a low-life like you! And Lavender how could you?!"

She stared into my eyes, "Shadow said he would spare my life if I joined him on his mission to destroy the rest of my family."

I felt tears sting my eyes. She would kill us just for her own life. And she said foxes were nasty.

I saw movement behind the three villains. Shadow moved and I saw June chained to the wall. She looked fine except for the fact that she looked terrified.

I felt my teeth sharpen. I know that my eyes changed color.

Shadow grinned, "If you beat me and your siblings, you can leave. If you lose, Thunder gets to rip you to shreds. And only Willow will fight, or else June dies."

I heard Candy and grandma gasp.

I stepped forward, "I except your challenge."


AN: Mwahahahahha! Oh yeah I have completed Ever Changing Eyes and started its sequel, Flickering Flames. I also started a new series. It's the Odd Fairytales series. The first story is Cindy Rella. Check it out and keep reading!


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