A Bane Tastes Blood

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We walked because all of us are still groggy because we woke up a bit ago.

After awhile I heard a metal scrapping and thudding from behind us.

I turned and saw giant half metal wolf. I screamed and it jumped at me. Why did I agree to being in the back?!

Right before the wolf got me a flash of sandy blonde hit it in the side. The wolf flew in sideways with the flash.

Then when they stopped I saw that the sandy blonde flash was Thunder's coyote form.

I noticed that two steaks of silver fly at the wolf and blood drippled from two knives in the wolf's side.

Gunshots went off and holes appeared in the wolf. I turned and saw Willow with the other gun, firing it at the wolf.

I wish I hadn't used all the bullets in my gun on that cyborg. What about my Lightbolt powers...

I lifted my arm and a ray of light shot out but it was so sudden that I moved my arm and the light hit Willow.

She was sent flying but the gun disintegrated. So much power....

The wolf howled and I saw Thunder on it's back, his teeth sinking into it's neck. Blood oozed from his mouth and I felt like throwing up.

The wolf shook and collapsed with a weak whine. Thunder let go and climbed off. His eyes glinted with delight and then returned to normal.

Everyone turned away so that he could shift and put his clothes on.

When he was wearing his clothes we all started running. After awhile we were running on the side of a cliff so that if anybody charges us we can jump away and they won't be able to fight us if they are falling to their doom.


AN: Gdjcnsbakcjeadkaj nkNskkfjcnanv bored! I've read all the books in my library and if I keep writing like this I'm gonna get writer's block! I need to find some new stories. Keep reading!


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