One Step To Close

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I took another step. And another and another. Candy screamed and tried to pull me back.

The girl seemed to keep moving further away. I kept walking. She kept moving further away. Candy kept screaming.

I took one more step. Then I realised that I didn't step on anything.

I started falling off the cliff I had been walking next to when Aspen went psycho.

I screamed when I realised what was happening. Goodbye cruel world!

"I gotcha!" a voice from above said.

I looked up and saw Candy grab my wrists. She had a pair of sky blue wings. That makes no sense. How does she have wings if she's a cat girl?

When we on the ground again she grinned, "I'm a crossbreed. Not one of Shadow's ones though. I'm the creation of a Lightbolt named Star. She's been determined to destroy Shadow as soon as he entered this realm. Especially since he split her apart from her husband, Coal, and her daughter Sky."


AN: Extreme drama bomb! When you thought the surprise characters couldn't get anymore dramatic! Keep reading!


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