The Lilac Sisters

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Thunder, Lavender, and I all hopped into the cart and were covered by the blanket.

When we got in their house the cart tipped over and we fell out.

"Shift now. We don't want anyone to come in while you're in those forms," The older girl said with her arms crossed.

"What's your names?" I asked.

The girl groaned, "I'm Allison Lilac and the little girl is my sister Amanda Lilac. Now shift!"

Thunder growled, "We need clothes to put on after we shift."

Allison blushed, "You mean Weres are naked when they shift back from animal form?"

I nodded.

Amanda ran into a different room and when she came back she was carrying a small faded pink dress.

"Neither me or Willow are that small. We are however a bit bigger then Ally," Lavender giggled.

Allison flinched at the nickname Lavender had given her.

Amanda nodded and ran into a different room. When she came back she was carrying a dull, purple dress, faded, white shorts, and a dull, blue tank top.

I snatched the jeans and tank top up with my tiny jaws and Lavender groaned as she grabbed the dress.

We went into the room that Amanda had came from, shifted, put the clothes on, and went back out.

Thunder sneezed to point out that he didn't have any clothes to change into.

"We could let you use our brother's pants," Ally said as she picked up a pair of jeans from the ground, "But we're gonna have to buy your own shirt."

Thunder nodded and took the jeans. He went into the other room and came back a bit later in human form, wearing the jeans.

"We told you our names so what's your guys's?" Amanda chirped.

"I'm Willow, my sister is Lavender, and my brother is Thunder," I said as I put my hair up with some light.

"We have to get you temporary jobs that you can do while you're on your quest or whatever you're here for. Otherwise people will suspect things. Also, we are getting him a shirt," Ally said and pointed at Thunder.


AN: I had to write this chapter five times because it kept deleting everthing I wrote. I worked hard on this one so you better keep reading!!


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