Chapter Twenty-Seven - Illviðri

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Author's Note: I'll make this quick because you guys are the best and I am the worst and I am so unbelievably sorry it has taken me so long to update. I am busy beyond all belief and tied up with seven hundred different things right now. I'm stage managing a show, I'm in a show, I have all my academic classes which has assigned extra work, plus extra rehearsals for my directing class's A LOT. I've also had really bad karma lately and I'm just trying to shake that off and keep on going. I hope you guys can forgive me and I hope you're excited because there are definitely some surprises in store! OKAY. I love you guys so, so much and I will try to update the next chapter with much more efficiency than this chapter. Also, if you have a tumblr and don't follow me, you should! I'd love to chat anytime! Also, I've had some ideas for maybe writing some short pieces and anecdotes on there about Val and Loki and maybe even some cute AUs, so keep an eye out for that via tumblr! Great!



Chapter Twenty-Seven - Illviðri, or Storm

 I am struggling to keep up with Loki as we hustle down the hallways. My legs are long, but not as long as his. And here he is prattling on while I’m getting pathetically winded.

“The Soul Stone must have attached itself to you somehow, woven its way into your consciousness and aligned itself with your own soul. Like a parasite, though I suppose some aspects of the connection are symbiotic, seeing as you gained magic abilities,” Loki continues to explain. I’m starting to understand more of what he’s talking about. I think I am, at least. I suddenly feel like the ring is burning a whole in my pocket I am so aware of its presence.

“Where exactly are we going?”

“To see Odin,” Loki replies without even batting an eyelash.

I grab his arm, yanking him to a halt. “Whooooah there. Are you all right? Are you okay?”

“Yes, of course I am. Why do you ask?” Loki arches an eyebrow and I just stare back at him.

“You want to go see Odin about this?” I ask again, just making sure I’m hearing him correctly. He nods. I twist my bracelet nervously on my wrist. “Who are you and what have you done with my husband?”

He smiles. “I love it when you call me that.” He bends his head slightly and places a kiss upon my temple.

“Oh my god seriously what is happening? Have I died? Did I die?! Have I slipped into some sort of alternate reality?”

Loki rests his hands upon my shoulders. “I promise you will understand soon enough.”

I grumble, “Yeah, I sure hope so.”

We begin walking again in silence and Loki suddenly throws his arm around my shoulders, hugging me closer to his side. I wrap my arm around his narrow waist, reveling in the sound of his laugh as I wiggle my fingers into his side. He bends with the laughter and we stop, laughing, and I enjoy the look of amusement on his face. It seizes something in my heart suddenly and I stop laughing, feeling as though the very air has been sucked from my lungs. Something is wrong, and yet, I cannot put my finger on what. But I do have a very clear feeling that this is the last time I will see Loki so happy for a very long time to come.

By the time he has regained his composure and straightens to look at me I have returned a smile to my face. He lays his hand upon my cheek tenderly and he inclines his head ever so slightly to lay a kiss upon my lips. His mouth is soft and when he pulls away I grab his hand and kiss him once again. He exhales gently against my lips and again my heart clenches in my chest. This feeling is utterly more distressing than the last. Because this kiss feels like love. But it also feels like desperation. 

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