Truth or Dare | 10

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- 4 months later -
  Its been 4 months and Doyum and I are still together. We were like any other couple. Going on dates after school. Joking around. It was high school love. It was already the exam week so Doyum and I usually go on study dates. I was an okay student.
Normally my grades are like this.
Math- B
English- A
Science- B
Korean- A
History- A
Physical Education- B+
Literature- C
Music- A*
( I WISH )
However Doyum was....
Math- A*
English- B
Science- A+
Korean- A*
History- A
Physical Education- A*
Literature- B+
Music- A*

   Yup he was a top student. During study dates, I find it difficult to learn and understand the concept of what he was learning. His speed of learning is very fast. I don't deserve him. *sigh*

Doyum POV
  Y/N and I are currently having a study date. I was explaining and apparently Y/N couldn't catch up. She gave up half way
"Understand now?" So basically..."
I looked at Y/N. She was asleep. She got so tired she fell asleep. Wonderful. I moved her hair out of the way and admired her beauty. How lucky am I? I wondered. I started staring at her for an hour long. Until, she woke up.
"How long have I been asleep for?"
"Like an hour,"
We both decided to go home since it was getting late already. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before she entered her house. What a perfect girl for me.

Back to your POV
- skip to next week when exams are over-
We would be getting our scores today and I was a nervous wreck. What if I don't do well?
"Y/N! Come get your papers!" Mrs Yang called.
I got up from my seat and nervously took my paper. I went back to my seat, anticipating to check my results. It was an important paper so it pressured me even more. I quickly flipped all my papers open and this is what I got.
Math- A
English- A*
Science- B
Korean- A-
History- A+
Physical Education- B
Literature- B
Music- A*

Oh my Gosh. How did I get such good marks! I wondered what Doyum got! The teacher allowed to do whatever we wanted because exams just ended. I went to Doyum's place and saw all his results. He got A*'s for everything! Wow. What a smart guy. Doyum smiled brightly at me and I smiled brightly at him.

- break time -
All of the guys and I hanged out during breaks. I decided to just have a break with Sungwon today. We haven't talked in a while considering he's my Best Friend. We just talked about life and he said he has this crush on a girl which I found surprising. He didn't tell me who it was though. I talked to him a lot about my childhood. My parents and all. I felt like I could trust him. He already knew about the situation since he came over to my house a couple of times before.
  Getting more into situation on why my Mother and Father died. My parents were on a business trip and they were coming back home. When they were driving home, they got into an accident. The doctor who tried to save them told me that they didn't make it. Soon after, I lived with my aunt. She was a total ass. She treated me like absolute crap, she kept on comparing me to her son. Her Son was even worse. He thought highly of himself and would order me to do things like, getting him a glass of water downstairs or switching the television on for him when remote is right next to him.
  When I finally became a teenager I moved out. Thankfully, the government allowed me to stay by myself. I bought an apartment with my inheritance that I got since my parents were quite rich, I had quite a lot of money but I didn't take it for granted. I still worked part-time jobs to pay off my rent even though I could easily use my inheritance. I kept my inheritance on things that made me happy. Like spending money on concerts and albums of my idols. I even have a collection of stray kids albums. ( I wish lmao ) Besides the point, I was able to live off with what I had. Sungwon knew everything about me. Like EVERYTHING. He knew when my period started, what my schedule is, what days I'm not able to eat and would invite me to his house and what days we could study together. Studying with Sungwon became a routine for me. However, lately I've been studying with Doyum. That is why I decided to spend time with him on this break alone.
- end of school -
  Doyum, the guys and some friends I made, Woomin, Hyena and Sooya decided to have a sleepover at Doyum's place tonight. Apparently, Sooya had a crush on Taewoo and Hyena had a crush on Jinsung. It was already 8.00 and some people were already at Doyum's house. I realised it was 8 and quickly wore my most comfortable pyjamas and brought my stuffed toys and blanket with me. When I reached the door, I realised everyone was already there considering it was 8.30. We all went in and watched a movie for about one and a half hours. We ate pizza while watching so we already settled our food. Right now, everyone is bored so we decided to play a game. Truth or Dare. Hyena took a water bottle and spun it. It landed on...


Choi Sooya
"Truth or dare?" Jinsung smirked.
"Dare!!" Sooya exclaimed.
"Fearless I see, how about 7 minutes in heaven with Taewoo?" Jinsung wiggled his eyebrows.
Sooya froze, obviously not knowing what to do.
Taewoo blushed and looked down, trying to not let the others see his blushing face. They both went inside a room and ya' know ( 😏 ) ( sorry no details )
  When they came out everyone questioned them.
"Did you two do it?"
"Was it your firsts?"
"How was it?"
"Did you like it?"
"Do you two like each other?"
"Can you two get together already!"
Both of their faces were flushed and they quickly went back to their seats without answering anyone's questions. Next Sooya spun the bottle. It landed on....
"Truth," he said immediately.
"Hmm... would you leave Y/N for another girl?"
"Never!" He said.
I smiled. Knowing that he truly loves me. ( Or does he, you'll find out in the next few chapters hehe ) He smiled at me and spun the bottle....
  The night continued until we all dozed off.

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