Becoming Friends | 08

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After all the guys besides Junseo left, my feelings were confused. I decided to just do my night routine and go to bed, it was late anyways.
  The birds chirped loudly causing me to awake from my slumber. I looked at the time and it was 8 shit. I took my phone and unlocked it. 8.02, Saturday, 6 April. Oh it's a Saturday. Never mind then. I went back to sleep straight after. I woke up at 10 am after a nice beauty rest. I went downstairs to get my breakfast but realised I ran out of bread. Shit. I grabbed my wallet and changed into an oversized hoodie.
" Hey Junseo I'm gonna buy bread,"
"Mkay" he mumbled.
I left the house in a flash, quickly wanting to buy the bread as I felt hungry.
After about 5 minutes of walking, I finally reach there. I went inside and only saw two teenagers in there. One with a cap on and the other with a hood covering his head and of course the accountant. I went to where the bread was and the strange person wearing the cap was there too. I caught a glimpse of him and dropped what I was holding.

A lil more

"Yoo Yongha?" The mysterious man or Yongha turned his head and saw me. It indeed was Yongha. He looked stunned to see me in front of him, but soon he smiled. Oh the smile that I fell for.
Bold — Yongha
Normal — Y/N
"How are you Y/N it's been a while,"
"I've been great!" I showed a thumbs up.
"How have you been after the rejection of your confession?"
I stood there. Shocked. Still an asshole I see. Why did I fall for him?
"Oh I'm great thank you very much,"
"Oh I'm sorry I have to quickly buy this, I smell a disgusting smell here," I smiled.
"You piece of shit, I treated you nicely," Yongha scoffed.
Yongha rolled his eyes and walked off.

Doyum POV

I woke up and as soon as I did my morning routine, I went the convenience store. I got up and wore my hoodie over my head as my hair was really messy. I walked into a convenience store near my house and saw a guy in there. I quickly picked up the ingredients my mother wanted me to get. Soon a bell was heard from the door. A girl walked in. I didn't get to see her though. She walked to the same section the other guy was in and started having a conversation. Weird. As I was about to head to the cashier, I heard someone scream.
"THE ONLY PIECE OF SHIT HERE IS YOU. NOW BUY YOUR FOOD AND TAKE YOUR COURAGE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!" The girl screamed. It's Y/N. The guy walked off and I immediately went to Y/N. I saw her tears.

Your POV
Once he walked off, the other guy in the shop came to my direction. I-Isn't that D-Doyum? I was on the verge of tears and Doyum comforted me.
"That guy is an asshole okay?" He stated.
I chucked a little which made him smile.
"See look! You're happy again!" Doyum cheered.
I softly laughed and hugged him tight.
"Thank you Doyum, I'm sorry for being a little shit head to you,"
His smiled became bigger and hugged me again. My heartbeat increased. That was when I knew I gained feelings.
When I reached home, Junseo questioned me.
"Why did you take so Long?"
"Why was Doyum there?"
"Are you two a thing?"
"Why are your eyes puffy?"
"Did he hurt you?"
"No, just let me explain,"
I explained to him and he cooled down.
"You feeling alright?" Junseo asked in a comforting voice. I nodded my head and he lightly smiled.
"Yongha is a jerk alright and I told you Doyum was nice!"
I chuckled at his saying and nodded my head. For the rest of the day I completed my homework and binge watched k-dramas. I slowly dozed off and fell into a slumber.

Word count: 743 words

Sorry I haven't been updating a lot but I'll try to update more next week! Please remember to vote! Thank you for the support!

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