Mysterious | 03

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Music ended and now it was PE. I'm actually quite fit and I like sports so I enjoyed PE most of the time. However, today was Monday and Junseo had Math now and Doyum has Science but it's not like I care. I quickly went to the girls locker room thinking who actually IS in my class. I never asked the other boys cause I'm not that close to them... I thought. I just quickly slipped on my Physical attire and went to the stadium of our school. Yup our school IS pretty big.

As I was making my way there, I saw Yechan over there. He noticed me staring at him and smiled and signalled me to stand next to him. I quickly made my way towards him and payed attention to the teacher showing us how to hit the ball correctly. ( urm idk )
"Okay now that I have explained go find a partner and try it out!" Mr Yang said.
Yechan stood up and looked at me, he took my hand and lifted me up.
We both smiled to each other and unknowingly we both stared into each other's eyes. His beautiful eyes shimmered and I swear I could get lost in them any second. I quickly broke eye contact and took a ball.
-After PE-
   Finally the end of school. I quickly made my way out of the locker room after changing and exited the school. I took out my phone and plugged in my earphones, playing my playlist while walking. I hummed to the song and apparently someone was behind me listening to me singing.
"You have a nice voice," ??? said.
I turned around to see Park Sungwon. My classmate. He was a cute boy but no one really noticed him. In 4th grade I had a crush on him but my feelings changed. I smiled at him and he returned a smile to me as well. 
"Going home?" He asked.
I nodded my head and we both made our way to the bus stop.
"It's my first time taking a bus after school," he stated. I widened my eyes in shock. No wonder I haven't seen him around here before. I thought.
"Where do you live" He questioned.
"LINE street Block 20 level 13," I replied shortly.
"NO WAY ME TOO! What unit?"
"I live at 13-34"
HOW DID I NOT NOTICE!? Since we were both going the same EXACT way we both chit chat for a bit getting to know each other. We talked a lot, as if we've been friends for a long time.
"I know it's weird but you seem like a good Best Friend," he said making me shock.
"Best friends?"
"Yeah you have all the qualities I want in a Best Friend!" He exclaimed making me feel happy. Man I haven't felt happy in a longggggg time. After my parents abused me I decided to live by myself. I basically lived on instant noodles during 4th grade to 6th grade, but I learnt how to cook and can cook simple meals. At least it's healthier than eating cup noodles everyday.

  By the time I know it, we were in the lift. We still talked and he sent me to my house first. I took out my access card and tapped it against the door.
"You could come in if you'd like,"
Sungwon immediately took off is shoes and came in.
"Where's your parents?" He asked
Oh no I thought
"They abused me so I live alone,"
Awkward silence appeared.
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't be!"
"Hey wanna do Math & English homework?"
Sungwon told me to come over to his place so I could take a look. I told him that I would take a quick shower before I came. He agreed and left to his house.

  I felt the cold water against my back, relieving all my stress. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair before changing into my clothes. I grabbed my homework and headed over to Sungwon's house. I rang the doorbell to be greeted by Sungwon in his comfy hoodie.
"Come in!"
I already felt welcomed once I stepped in his house.
"Who's this pretty little lady?" A woman, supposedly Sungwon's mum said.
"Ah she my Best Friend!" Sungwon exclaimed looking at me.
Best friends huh? It's nice to know I have at least a good Friend who is trustworthy with me now. I thought.

This is a slightly shorter chapter than the others! I'll try my best to update more but my chapters will be a little bit more shorter if you guys want me to update more! Thank you all for supporting! Remember to comment and vote❤️
Word count: 790

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