chapter 19: Am I Wrong?

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Hey lovelies, yeah it's been so long and we've not had the opportunity to hear Victor's point of view, well here's the chance. let's see what's been going on in his life.

Victor's pov

Today was another Thursday in the month of April, it was my break from work, I had three weeks off and itoro had requested to visit me in Lagos, he came for a job over here from porthacourt so he decided to settle down in my apartment.

Itoro has been one of my best friends since university, when I recently came in we hit off,he was my roommate in school and when Chief killed my girlfriend in university, I had no body to grief with he was there all the time, he's actually one of the few out of my friends that knew I was bisexual and accepted me for who I was, which was rare in Nigeria.

Here once someone knows that you're either a gay, bi or you're having coitus relations with same sex or both sex, they move as far away from you as they can, and they suddenly hate you just because of the kind of gender you are attracted to. Itoro was different and for that we are still friends now.

Like I said it was Thursday I and itoro had decided to go see a new action movie that just came out in the cinema, before proceeding to the nightclub to meet up with old mates, I had really anticipated that Thursday I hardly had time for me and the last time I visited the cinema was when Efe came to nigeria last.

Efe is my fiancé of 2 months, the last time he came to nigeria he proposed to me, i couldn't believe it, not because it was overwhelming but because I was not so sure if I was ready for anything more than dating, of course I wanted to get married but I had doubts if I wanted to get married to him. We had been planning our wedding which would hold in LA( los Angeles) I would have to move out of the country and go stay with him after the marriage, I have already started with the process of getting a visa and all other necessary documents.

I woke up early that Thursday and arranged the house, I made my flakes which I ate hurriedly because I hated when my flakes would get soaked in the milk, as I chewed itoro came into the kitchen yawning and giving me the perfect good morning by saying " you eat too loud, it's really annoying"

I laughed and replied him "Mr man that be your good morning shey", he smiled as he walked to make him self some flakes, immediately I stopped him " dude stop jare, go and wash that your dirty teeth with morning breathe all over, shey you won chop without brushing",
he shrugged dropped the flakes and milk on the kitchen counter and proceeded to wash his teeth.

We had prepared and when it was around 9 o'clock we headed for the cinema, it was around after 12 the movie had already ended, we stood up from our seats, feeling very contented and satisfied with the content of the movie as it was worth every amount we spent.

We were talking while heading out when I met with a face I had prayed never to encounter and wished countless of times to touch and feel once again, immediately I saw him I felt like hugging him and telling him how much I missed him, I feel like leaving everything in my recent life behind just to be with him, fred was in front of me, close to me, he looked shocked, ashamed, sad, confused, he was an open book to read, it disturbed me greatly that he was looking that way, but then I remembered how he treated me and how we broke up and he didn't even try, he said he loved me but he chose his mother, suddenly I felt of kind of anger posses me, I guess the girl behind him who had left few minutes ago was the so called wife he married to impress his mother, they looked so happy, is he also bi?, I was confused, lots of questions popped through, but then I had to remember that I was suppose to be angry with him not worried about him, he tried to speak to me but I left him immediately without a word and with itoro following behind me looking very confused at the little act that just occurred between I and the unknown guy.

I got home that day and it was as if I was distant, miles away still in the cinema, different thoughts running through my head, the rest of the day felt numb, itoro noticed my sudden change in mood and asked what was going on, I told him about fred and I, and the question he asked me shocked me greatly and is still bothering me cause I couldn't give an answer,
he asked me " you don't love him anymore, right?"
I actually didn't give him a reply and with that he stood up and said to me " I hope you don't make a mistake and fall into the wrong hand and live with regret for the rest of your life" then he left the room.

That statement he made was really confusing, was he referring to fred when he said falling into the wrong hand and regret or was he referring to Efe, now this was disturbing, I guess it's my heart that would decide who he was referring to, fred or Efe?

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