chapter 15 : this could be a fresh start with or without you

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Fred's POV

I woke up very early the next morning with pounding headache, I couldn't sleep last night because of all the thoughts I had on how I would contact victor and apologise and if possible we would come back together, I knew it was easier said than done.
I walked into the bathroom feeling really lazy and not wanting to go to work, but I had to because of the serious meeting today. Ever since that conference with victor things have been going well for me, not only did I gain more in my business, I actually became a shareholder in one big company that's why I've been really going to work in a haste recently.
We always had conference meeting and I was always needed there, no I was supposed to be there. I have my own office where I own the organization, I could go in when I wanted and leave when I felt like but in this case I couldn't.

I tried to be quiet inorder not to disturb mama, not that I didn't want to disturb her tho, I didn't want to see her, cause seeing her just brings me pain, how could someone I love not accept me, I didn't want to remember last night's event. I rushed to the bathroom took a cold shower and hurried for work in an empty stomach.

I got back from work expecting to see mama, and her attitude of acting like nothing ever happened, but I couldn't find her, I went to her room and all her bags were missing, she definitely went back to the village. Now I felt more disappointed why did I think that screaming and showing her how mad and sad I was would make her atleast feel remorseful for me and accept me. I would've know it wasn't possible of course my mother was a thick head.

She wasn't an easy nut to crack, I remember when I was in primary school my dad had died few months earlier, and there had been this escortion in school I wanted to participate in, I had begged her and pleaded for her to give me money for the fee, but she bluntly refused, I told my teacher and she came to my mother talking to her and telling her how this would put my mind away from my father's death, but she still refused. She always stood for her words.

I walked to the kitchen a took out a box of cereal, this made me remember victor, he loved cereal that when he slept over he made it a point of duty that I serve him cereal in bed, now I remember it it's funny, I used to be annoyed then whenever I served him, he would try to eat it before it gets soaked and he would make annoying noises with it, I hate to say this but i miss that, I miss him,i want all that annoying attitude back, I want victor so bad, but I don't know how to get him back.
He's happy with his lovely boyfriend and all their Instagram post, mama ruined my life, so did she ruin Belinda's life making her feel all useless and bad about her self by making her marry someone like me. I needed to contact her.

I brought out my phone from my pocket, taking a deep breath o dialed her number and surprisingly she picked, but the first words that came out of both our mouths was " I'm sorry".

What do y'all think, would fred meet victor😋 again? or would he make up with Belinda😁?

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