2 so you are?

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an hour passed and i've started to get comfortable with the conversations. i'm talking a bit and laughing along with them. i seem to have the same type of humour as them which is good because i understand everything. "tahlia, where's the bathroom" i whisper to her. "i'll show you" she says and jumps up. quickly we escape the room without anyone asking where we are going and she leads me down the hallway where we find the bathroom. "thanks" i says and we share a soft smile. "you okay?" she ask and i nod. "yeah! i'm having a good time" i say, reassuring her i'm good being here.

after doing my business i wander back out and pass the kitchen where i notice jesse slicing some lemon. "lana, do you want anything to drink?" he asks me, looking up breifly. "we have like everything. beer, juice, wine, ginger beer" he says and i think for a moment. "um could i maybe just grab some water?" i ask and he nods and grabs a glass for me, filling it up. "so do you live in the area?" he asks me. "watson's bag, right up north. so kinda" i say, thanking him as he passes me my drink. "oooo can't say i've been up there, is it nice?" he asks and i nod. "it's so peaceful and the becahs aren't too busy" i say and take a sip of my drink. "unlike bondi" he says and rolls his eyes, making me chuckle. "you live locally?" i ask and he nods as he puts the lemons in the corona beers. "yeah, maroubra and now bondi so imma local" he says and i nod. "have you always lived here?" he asks and i shake my head. "nah, moved from new zealand two years ago. i love it here" i say and lean on the bench slightly. "thought i could hear some type of accent" he says and we both laugh.

i end up having a really good night hanging out with everyone up until now. it nears 1am and things are starting to turn a little crazy. some of the guys have been sculling back the beers and are getting tipsy which isn't the type of environment i like. tahlia is sitting next to me with maxi so i lean over while the main bunch of guys are talking and whisper in her ear. "i'm going to head home now" i say and she nods. "okay, i'll come out" she says and smiles, quickly telling maxi where we are going before standing up with me. we slip away with only a couple of guys noticing, not wanting to make a big fuss of me leaving. i've never liked all the attention on me so i feel like if i said i was leaving there would be peer pressure for me to stay and a lot of attention which i didn't want. we creep out and make our way towards my car where tahlia grabs some of her stuff. "thanks for tonight. i really enjoyed it" i say, hugging goodbye to her. we say our goodbyes and she wanders off as i jump in my car. i connect my phone to google maps to find my way home and chuck on some music enjoy the ride home. just before i start my car i see a figure walking towards my car and as they get closer i make it out to be jesse. i open the door and he moves around it. "why are you leaving?" he asks me, leaning on my car door. "uh, just leaving" i say smiling, not wanting to tell him that i don't like the whole alcohol and drinking environment. "but why? it's nice having you around" he says and i smile. "uh, um" i start to say and he crouches down on the drive way. "not really a fan of the whole alcohol and drinking thing" i say and he nods as he understands why. "fair enough. i won't force you to stay" he says and we both chuckle. "thanks for an enjoyable night though. it was nice meeting you all" i say and he smiles and stands up. "anytime. hopefully we'll catch you around" he says and i smile and nod, closing the door and winding down the window. after saying our goodbyes he wanders inside and i drive off.

first sight / jesse pollock / bondi rescueWhere stories live. Discover now