Chapter 9

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I sat by the TV listening to it play music. Lillian was watching the music videos. I wish I could see.... To see and watch and read with out the bumps on the books.

I wish I had eye sight.

But this I what I am.

A useless blind girl who needs people to protect her. I don't even know why Danny wants to be with a blind girl like me. He could have any girl he wants that could see and is less useless like me. I don't deserve to have an amazing sister like Lillian. A great boyfriend like Danny or friends.

IM SO USELESS! All I do is plan strategy for the team!

I can't defend myself! they don't need me. Lillian is smart, Ava is smart, Peter is smart! Either one could plan a strategy to defeat the enemy! Maybe Fury just felt pity for me.

'That's right. Your Useless. Your a little coward weakling'

'Who's there?' I asked back.

But no answer. Whoever the voice is they are right.


I looked at Annora seeing herself look upset.

"Hey, Nora. Are you alright? You look down."

"I'm fine." Was her cold answer.

I flinched at her Voice. Nora was never this cold towards anyone before. What is wrong with her.

"Annora. Tell m-"

"I'm fine!" Nora stood up quickly and went to her room as fast as she could. I followed but right when the door shut she locked me out.

I tried to make a key but I couldn't concentrate. Annora was blocking me from focusing to make objects.

I began to worry.

"Nora!!!" I banged on the door.

"Please tell me what's wrong! I only want to help you!"





The words kept repeating in my mind Driving me crazy. The mans voice was just egging me to snap. Lose my sanity and become rouge.

'No I am not useless I cant!'


'I am useless.'


Yesterday, Lillian and Annora didn't come to school.

I just hope they come today.

We have training today.

I got to school and I see Lillian but no Annora.

"Hey Lily. Where is your sister?

We were all worried yesterday when you didn't show up."

"Sorry, It's Annora." She said.

"Whoah, what's up with Annora?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see. Luke, Ava, Danny and Ugh Sam.

"Annora, there's something wrong with her. Yestarday morning we were listening to music but then I notice she was upset so I asked her what's wrong. She yelled at me and ran to her room and locked the door and never left. I tried to make a key but she made where I can't focus to create the key."

"Oh my gosh. I hopes she's ok!" Ava said.

"Where do you live? We can come and try to help you if you want." I suggested.

"That would be great! After schools than."


We all decided to ditch training and go to S.U.B..

I showed them where me and Nora usually go from school.

"Whoah. You guys live in the sewers?" Sam asked.

"No. We live under the city. Underneath the city is a small Maze with rooms. We call it or more like Annora calls it, S.U.B"

"You mean like a SUB sandwich? I'm hungry right now." Sam said.

Danny who finally spoke up since the news I gave him.

"Sam, There is no fooling around. Something bad could be wrong with Annora." Danny glared at Sam.

"Whoah sorry Danny to upset you buddy."

It was all a shock to us. Danny was always usually calm like Annora but since something's wrong with her all he could do is worry and there is no fooling around about that for him AND me.


I knew Lillian and the gang was coming. They were all worried.

Well they shouldn't be. They shouldn't be worried about a useless girl like me.

I just wonder how this came into my head. I guess I just hasn't been thinking right like I usually do since I can't see. But thinking over all of it. My whole life.

Lillian was the one who took care if me. Fed me, help me to find things, protected me, stole from people to keep us alive.

She did all the work. I did pretty much nothing!

'Realizing the truth hurts doesn't it?'

'Who are you' I asked again.

'All in good. time Annora King. All In good time'

'Who this I keep thinking. The power from my necklace surges through me the was gone again. I still need to figure what this necklace really is. Maybe it could make me stronger. Me being the actual person to defend my friends and my sister. It will be me that would protect them.

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