Chapter Six

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There have been a thief going on stealing very expensive items. I need to set a plan, I get him or her.

Coulson said I could use the team to catch the thief. I think it is possible. I'll send in the team after making a fake gem stone, then put in a fake jewelry store that has all the fake expensive Jewelry. They'll come and my team will catch the thief, but sometimes I wonder if there is someone working with this thief.


I was watching Tv and apparently there is a new Jewelry store in open. The news showed pictures of inside the Jewelry store and this one Gem caught my eyes. That Gem will be mine. (And Annoras)

"Lillian, that's not a good idea." Annora said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"That store is a fake and so as the gem, Shield put it up to catch you." She told me.

"Well I'm going anyway, There is no ways some one can catch me with you help."

"Don't be so cocky you never know."

"Your right, I'll never know, but that also means you'll never know if I'll get caught or not. I'll be fine with your help. Just don't get as close to the building this time, You your powers to help me if you can, if I fight anyways."

"Alright" Annora sighs. She went towards the Library to read I guess while I flipped to the anime channel on Tv.


I had a forced vision of Fury and his plans but not what will happen. When she starts to get cocky, I can't help but let her go, So she'll learn her lesson.
I went to the library and went to my section of books. I pulled out the second book of City of bones (City of Ashes) and began to trace the letters with my fingers to read.

I was on chapter 15 when I heard the house phone ring. A few minutes later Lillian called me over telling me it's for me. I walked out of the library after saving my page with a bookmark, and went towards Lillian.

She handed the phone to me and I hold it up to my ear.

"Hey Annora." A voice said.

"Who is this?" I ask.


"Oh hi. What are you calling for?"

"I wanted to ask if you would like to go out and get some lunch together?" He asked hopefully.

"What time?"

"1:20, or later."

"Ok, What's the time now?" I ask.


"Ok then, Where will I meet you at?"

"We can meet at the park."

"Ok. bye I'll see you soon."

"Yea, bye." Them he hangs up.

"Ooh! Does someone have a date I hear?" Lillian said/asked.

"No it's not a date."

"Are you sure? Your blushing!"

"I-I am?"

"Yes! it's so cute!"

"Shut u-up, what's going on between you and Peter? I know you have a crush on that boy." I said.

She stops talking and begin to blush.

"Damn your powers!" Then she walked off after she said that.

Annora And Lillian KingWhere stories live. Discover now