Falling in love? No thanks! Part2

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Matt POV

I was talking to this guy James and he seemed pretty cool but he kept staring at Jazz really intently, I mean she was pretty and stuff so I should have expected this but I didn't like seeing it. "So you like Jazz?" I asked, just getting straight to the point.

"Huh?" He looked embarrassed.

"You seem as though you like her, do you?" I smiled this time when I said it cause he looked worried. "Umm, kinda, maybe, I think, yes" He mumbled looking at the ground. "Dude its alright im not gonna punch your face in just cause you like my sister" He let out a nervous laugh. "But if you hurt her that's when I will" I didn't want to make enemies on my first day but I didn't want my sister hurt either.

He held his hands out infront of him "No man, I would never hurt her I swear"

"Then go talk to her" I encouraged, I decided I like James from the conversation we were having before he seemed pretty cool and he surfs. "No I cant" He shook his head sadly. "Why not?" I was really confused now.

"I don't think she likes me" I laughed at this.

"Dude she likes everyone. Just talk to her."

"Thanks, I will later." He smiled and clapped me on the back.

"So tell me, who should I talk to, who shouldn't I and whos that girl?" I asked pointing to Tash cause she was the prettiest girl I had ever seen, she looked amazing. "That is Tash, probably one of the hotteset girls in this school, maybe the hottest, shes a real nice girl" He was talking and nodding while looking at her but then he looked at me seriously "But I wouldn't try anything too soon, she used to go out with braydon and he will kick your ass if you go after her." Then he smiled "Although he pretty much broke her heart when he cheated on her, now he wont let her be happy, he got all agro after the break up and he punched me for talking to her"

"Dude are you alright?" This Braydon dude seemed pretty violent. James just shrugged and then I noticed Braydon was behind him. "So youre the new meat huh?" He seemed to be squaring me up so I stepped closer to him to be confident and looked him squarly in the eye, "You got a problem with that?" He smiled

"Nah, but meat, mess with me and I can assure you an ass kicking" He had a really cocky expression on his face. "Oh, I don't think you need to worry about that" His expression got bigger "Cause you wouldn't be able to" There were a few ohhhhs from around us and I realised we had a lot of attention.

"You son of a bitch" His fist swung towards my head but I caught it with my hand and used his momentum to bring him closer to me before kneeing him where the sun don't shine, he fell to the ground and I looked over him and smiled "That's why you don't mess with ME or there will be an ass kicking" I put my hand out to help him up and he took it, he somehow smiled back at me, "Man, you have some moves, whered you learn that?" I shrugged

"My dad enrolled me in karate classes when I was 6, wanted me to be well trained"

"Awesome, so what belt are you?" He seemed really amazed.

"Black" And with that I walked away. I was pretty proud of myself till I saw my sisters expression, she had quite a few friends around her now, and they were H-O-T. "What?" I asked innocently.

"Youre a dickhead, Matt" She tutted

"He started it"

"Now youre being a two year old"

"Youre not mum"

"I know im not mum, im just saying that was stupid"

"I can do what I want"

"No you cant"

"It's a free country"

"So?" I smiled at my sister and put my arm around her.

"Loosen up sis" She put her rude finger up at me and I poked my tongue out at her, childish I know but we were like that most of the time. "Arent you going to introduce me to the rest of your friends?" I asked

"No" she replied simply, a mask of satisfaction plastered to her face.

"Why?" I was confused.

"Cause I don't like you"

"Mmm, the feelings mutual" she had a fake shocked expression on her face and she put her hand to her mouth. I turned to her friends, "I'm Matt" I had this smile that I figured out lots of girls couldn't resist, or so my last girlfriend told me so now I liked to use it a lot. I smiled at them. "This is Lara, Lucy, Kayla, Emily, Josh, Coby, Alex and Mike" They all mumbled same hey's and stuff. Lara was really hot, she had blonde hair and blue eyes and a great figure. Lucy had sandy blonde hair and she was cute, Kayla looked like a twin of Lara cause she too was smoking, I later figured out she was, Emily had brown hair and she was pretty but not hot, Josh had Justin bieberish hair, Coby had blonde spikes and Alex had a brown buzz cut. I looked at Coby. "Hey you're Coby James right?" I recognised him he looked really familiar.

"Yeah, didn't think youd remember me" He smiled at me.

"Of course I do, youre amazing and besides we shared a room at the circuit."

"Dude you are the best surfer I have ever seen don't flatter me" I already liked this dude. "Um, someone want to tell us how you know each other?" Jazz asked.

"We were on the Junior Pro circuit together the end of last year and start of this year, we shared a room together in Hawaii" Coby answered.

"Whats the Junior Pro Circuit?" Emily asked.

"This surfing thing, and I was sponsored by Red Bull and he was Sponsored by Doritos so wed have the most hyper midnight feasts." I answered, I pat him on the back "Good to see you man" I turned to my sister "Hey Jazz can we have people over tonight?" I asked

"Its not like mum would care" She snorted

"Cool" I turned to everyone "Our house, 5:00. if you don't know where it is, ask someone.

Sorry its fairly short but i just thought id quikly do one

answer this question

who do you want matt to end up with, tash or lara?

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