Falling in Love? No Thanks! Part 6

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"So heres your room, if you need anything feel free to ask" I told Andy, putting down a towel on his bed.

"Thanks Matt, I mean it, you're a real legend" Andy smiled up at me.

"We're having some people over later, if you don't feel up to it we can just re schedule, and school starts tomorrow, I know its soon but mum wants you two to continue life normally" I said apologetically.

"Its cool, I could probably use a distraction"

A little bit later in the afternoon James, Coby, Lara and Tash came over. It was kind of awkward at first since the day before I had kissed Lara and Tash.

"Andy, Kayla" I yelled up the stairs.

"Keep you pants on we're coming" Yelled Andy.


It was awkward with Matt since the kiss and I was disappointed cause I wanted him to ask me out, he made me feel special in that kiss.

"Andy, Kayla" He yelled up the stairs with that sexy voice of his.

The Andy guy replied something I didn't quite hear. I could hear their footsteps coming down the stairs but didn't look up until I was introduced.

"Hi..." I started, but I stopped, dumbstruck, Andy was gorgeous, in a different way to Matt though, Matt was incredibly hot but there was something about Andy, his tossled blonde hair, blue eyes and biggish mouth made him look so cute, hot and handsome at the same time, I realised I was staring and a blush crept up my cheeks. "Hi" I said firmly.

"Heya" He replied with a heavenly deep voice, his hands in his pocket.

"Alrighty" Matt started to break the silence, "How bout a swim?" There came some yeah's and awesome but I was still focused on Andy. He seemed really cool and I thought he would be sad but he was perky and really funny.

As I made my way to the pool I noticed Andy was the only one there, he was looking out at the view, I have to admit its spectacular, their house leads right onto a private beach surrounded by greenery that has waves, im surprised no ones cut down a path to make it public. The sun was just going down and the sky was filled with beautiful pinks and oranges.

"Pretty isn't it?" I asked softly. He turned around sharply, obviously unaware that I had been standing there.

"Yeah" He said looking at me. I noticed he had really tanned skin and a body like Matt, he was stunning.

"I'm sorry to hear about your parents" I said slowly.

"Thanks" On his bicep I noticed a thin bit of writing around his arm.

"What does that say?" He smiled, making me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"The sweetest dream would never do" I didn't know what it meant but he said It like he was in some other world and i knew it meant a lot to him. He must have seen the confused look on my face so he continued.

"It's a line in my mum and dad's favourite song, when I was little they would always sing it and tell me that the one line had a special meaning, I never knew what it meant, but after the accident it came to me, you cant explain it though, you have to discover it." As soon as he finished the sentence everyone came out.

"I think its beautiful" I told him before joining Jaz.


I was trying not to look at Tash as we swam in the pool, she looked so hot, so gorgeous but I couldn't hurt her, I had to let her be happy.

It looked as though Lara and Andy hit it off, they were talking for ages In the hot tub, not a pause in their sentence and they were laughing together, its good to see Andy laugh after what hes been through. I looked up from my spot on the side of the pool and saw James sitting next to me, "What do I do?" He asked.

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