Falling in Love? No Thanks! Part 10

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Matt had ‘insisted’ we have a party. Not that I objected, I thought it would be heaps fun to have something like this. And the party’s Matt threw were always the best.

He did nothing to prepare for them except lock a few doors and buy heaps of alcohol but it was at his party’s where people went more crazy, more drunk and everyone pretty much went wild having a good time.

It was now 9:30 and people were arriving. The music was blasting and a few people were already drunk.

I felt arms around my waist and lips on my neck before a chin rested on my shoulder.

“Hey James” I relaxed into his muscled torso.

“Hey baby” His sexy voice answered back.

“Are we going to get drunk tonight or just tipsy?” I joked.

“Oh babe, we’re going to get drunk off our asses!” I laughed at him. Being with James was amazing and it’s the funnest relationship ive ever been in, he’s so relaxed and easy going, one of the things I love about him.

I looked around our house which was now packed with people, my eyes passed Matt hooking up with Ashen. I groaned.

“What is it?” James asked concerned.

“Nothing, just Matt and Ashen”

“Don’t blame him shes got a nice ass” He pretended to check her out. I mock hit him. He bent down and my lips joined his sending fire through my body, my lips moved in sync with his.

“On second thought we could just skip the party…” I trailed off.

“As tempting as that sounds, I actually want to see what the ‘legendary’ party’s Matt throws are like, but I promise we’ll spend the whole of tomorrow together”

“Guys do you mind not talking so sexually around me? Its gross!” Tash’s voice came from behind me.

“Tash!” I ran and hugged her. 

“Eww, who invited queenzilla?” She motioned her head towards Ashen who was now hooking up with another girl. I didn’t understand the relationship her and Matt held, theyd be hooking up at school and then hooking up with different people anywhere else.

“Matt?” I guessed.

A couple of hours went by, the party was now in full swing.

I walked through the living room where people were playing beer pong with shots.

Through the dining room, strip poker.

Leisure room, spin the bottle R rated version.

Every single room had people playing all sorts of games and drunk off their heads.

I spotted James’ head through the glass window standing by the pool talking to some people.

As I reached outside I saw girls in the spa, topless, teasing the crowd of horny boys who stood by watching.

“James” I hugged him.

“Hey there Jazi” He pecked me on the lips.

I turned my gaze to where he was looking, there were people swimming in the pool in their underwear. There was this one guy Harry I think his name was, who had fallen asleep on the Lilo.

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