Falling in love? No Thanks part 8

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“Oi Andy, you look like a girl with those puny weights” James yelled cockily across my home gym.

“And you think those shorts are making you look more masculine?” Andy taunted as he placed the weights back on the shelf and headed over to the treadmill.

I finished on my own and wiped the sweat away from my brow.

We had been working out for just under an hour and Coby had said nothing.

“Yo, Coby, you awake over there” He had been doing weights for basically the whole time.

“Yeah” He replied, I wasn’t really believing it. He put the weights away and leant forward, hands on his knees, playing with his fingers. “You guys wanna go for a surf later on?”

It had been 3 days since my date with Lily and I had another one tomorrow. I really liked her, she was funny, smart, charismatic and open, but I didn’t get that feeling with her I had with Tash, the warm, tingly, fulfilling one, but I wanted to give her a go.

“Yeah Mate, sounds good”

I stood up and stretched my arms above my head, swivelling my head side to side in the process to loosen my muscles.

“Alright Fella’s, im heading for a shower” I walked to go outside but stopped at the door. I turned around, I knew there was a smirk on my face, “Oh, and by the way, theres only one for you to share” They immediately stopped what they were doing and started to run to the different doors. “Its that way” I said cockily, popping my finger to the opposite direction they were heading.

I stood under the cool water, letting it run down me in different directions. I ran a hand threw my hair and flicked my head back, letting the water reach spots it couldn’t before. I love showers, they were the only place I could think properly, actually anywhere in water, when I was surfing was another place. There was just you and the water, nothing to distract you, every other voice or movement seemed to be far off.

I always kept a notebook in a draw of the bathroom, because showering was the time I came up with the best ideas for songs, songs that hopefully one day would earn me a label.

I grabbed the shampoo bottle, squirted out the gooey liquid and rubbed it into my hair. After I had rinsed it out I stepped out the shower into my bathroom which had now become a steam room.

After drying myself off I looked in the mirror. I knew I was a good looking guy, I knew that girls lusted after me. I had been told, on many occasions.

I was a player. At least I used to be. Every new girl was a conquest, a game of a sort. Then one day, when I fell for a girl, and was dumped, I realised what it felt like to have someone you really liked, not want you, so I kinda stopped. I still went through girls, but not as quickly as I used to.

After getting changed into jeans, a tee and loose fitting sweat shirt I went to the kitchen to grab a massive breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, baked beans and pancakes.

I sat down on one of the designer chairs mum had insisted that we ‘needed’.

After wolfing down my eggs I was joined by Jaz, Lara, Kayla and Tash.

Tash. She was beautiful. I had only known her for just over a week, but you know what they say, love has no time constraits. Not that I was in love with her. Was I in love with her? I didn’t know what I was thinking.

“How’d you lovely ladies sleep” I asked around the table as I reached forward to grab the salt.

“Fine” Jaz replied with a yawn. She screwed her nose up as I shook salt on my food, “You’ve just been working out, do you know how many more calories you’ve just added to your breakfast”

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