Falling in love? No thanks! Part 4

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<P class=MsoNormal>Hey guys ,enjoy!!!</P>

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<P class=MsoNormal>Matt POV</P>

<P class=MsoNormal>I took Lara's hand and pulled her up from her cross legged position. Everyone was looking at her expectantly. She looked so nervous but finally started walking to the closet. Suddenly everyone became quiet. I have to admit that I was pretty nervous aswell, I was in a closet with a gorgeous girl who I had only just met. "Well I don't think theyre gonna let us out anytime soon" I started to say to cover up the awkward silence that randomly came. "Damn straight were not!" Came my sisters voice from the other side of the door. I thumped it with my fist to hear some oww's from the perverts and chuckled to myself. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>When I looked back to Lara she did something I didn't expect. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and she pulled my head down till my lips met hers. It was so unexpected I didn't do anything at first, but then I realised I should probably join in and our lips moved in sync together, it was a really good kiss and it felt kinda right with her. I traced her bottom lip for entrance and she granted, but our kiss came to a stop as the door swung open and everyone was standing there, my sister with a video camera. "Fuck you" I yelled as I started to chase after her. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>"You'll never catch me never" She laughed like a maniac as she ran away. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>"Come on guys help" I asked Coby and James. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>"No way man, your sisters scary" They laughed. I gave them a one finger salute before starting after her. I found Jaz in the kitchen hiding behind the bench. "What are you kids doing in here? Shoo" Yelled Lea with some hand actions. I ran around the bench to get to Jaz but she popped up and ran out the kitchen. Finally I cornered her in my bedroom. "Cant escape now can ya sisi?" I started walking slowly towards her. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>"Well I don't have anything" She said innocently. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>"Then bring your hands infront of you" She did as I asked and there was nothing in them. "What the?" I asked bewildered. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>"Oi pretty boy, over here" I turned to see Tash standing at the doorway flashing the tape inbetween her fingers. 'You little schemers" I started off down the corridor with Tash and was catching up with her. I reached out and just got hold of her shirt, but then I realised right infront of us were two random stairs. I lifted her up and spun us around so I would break the fall. Ooph. We landed hard and I groaned. For two reasons, one was I had just landed to the floor really hard and the second was a mega hot girl was lying ontop of me. </P>

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<P class=MsoNormal>Tash POV</P>

<P class=MsoNormal>I cant believe he just did that, he put himself before me, normally a guy would have just fell but he looked out for me. I heard a groan from under me and realised I was ontop of him, I could feel his abs through his shirt and noticed my hands were no his chest. I looked at his face and saw him looking lustfully at me and then my lips, he started coming forward with his face, oh my god he was going to kiss me, at the last second he whispered 'sucker' and grabbed the tape from my hand. </P>

<P class=MsoNormal>I was shocked at first and just sat on the floor, we nearly kissed, I was actually excited, I wanted it to happen. Forget about him, I told myself, guys that look like that aren't sweet theyre players and use you and youre hearts, like Braydon. He was my first serious boyfriend, he told me he loved me and played with my heart, then I walked in on him cheating on me with the school skank. I don't think I can ever really be in a relationship again he hurt me so much. </P>

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