Falling in Love? No Thanks! part 14

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I showed up at Tash’s that night with packs of chips and some ice cream.

“I come bearing gifts!” I yelled through the fly screen door.

“Arent you a little early santa?” Sophie joked as she unlocked the door for me.

“Hey Soph, how you going?” I asked as she hugged me which is a hard thing to do when your holding crappy food. “Icecream!” I stated as I handed the cold tub to her, “In the Freezer!” She threw her hands up in the air triumphantly.

“Yes! Cookies and Cream! My favourite, thanks Matt!” She skipped off.

Tash jumped down the stairs and walked over to me, kissing me softly on the lips, her hands lingering on her chest.

“Hey Tashy” I said softly.

“Hey Matty” She mocked. I grinned at her, loving my new girlfriend.

“Does Sophie know about us?” I asked. Tash shook her head.

“I don’t think so, I reckon she suspects something though, but im just saying weve become good friends cause of the science thing” 

Just at that moment Sophie showed up in the hall.

“Come on guys, lets get this movie started!” She ran towards the tv room.

“Shes crazy” I laughed.

“I'm glad someone said it” She joked.

We followed Sophie and sat next to her on either side. She gave us a weird look.

“Seriously guys? You’re the most love stricken people I have ever seen and your not even sitting near each other?” Sophie gaped.

“What?” I asked.

“Its obvious that you guys are together, I mean the way you look at each other is just, well I don’t know how to explain it, but that’s not the point! Why are you hiding it?” She questioned. I saw Tash blush and I laughed.

“Its not exactly simple. You know my sister?” I started.


“Yeah exactly. Well she doesn’t want me to date any of her friends cause it might ruin her friendship with them so we cant really tell anyone or it’ll get dodgy”

“That’s so selfish!” Sophie frowned, “You guys are obviously made for each other, she cant keep you apart! So why are u hiding around me?” I chuckled.

“Well we didn’t exactly know you knew!” I answered. Sophie laughed.

“Anyway, what movie were you guys thinking of?” Tash tried to change the conversation.

“Absolutely no idea!” I threw my arms up in exasperation.

“Drama Queen” Sophie said as her and Tash laughed. I grinned. There was a moments comfortable silence until Tash broke it.

“Due Date!” Sophie and I must have looked at her weirdly cause she continued to say, “What? I haven’t seen it yet” She looked so cute as she bit her lip waiting for our reactions. Sophie and I burst out laughing. Tash’s nose crinkled. “What?”

“You shouldve seen your face” Sophie said inbetween laughs. Tash lightly hit her before rising to put the tv on with the dvd in.

When she came back she noticed that Sophie had moved over so that her and I would be sitting next to each other. I was actually pretty excited to be this close to her cause when we went out it was always sitting on opposite sides of the table or a quick stroll through the park or whatever. I sent Soph a grateful look and she smiled back at me.

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