Falling in Love? No Thanks! Part 12

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I sat around the table observing the chatter that was going on. The full family was here, Tash, Sophie, Louise (their mum), Derrek and Jack.

I couldn’t help but to be jealous of this part of life I had missed out on.

We had never done family dinners, never hosted a bbq. I hadn’t even seen my parents for a whole month.

I was beginning to understand Jaz’s hostility towards them.

Under this roof, in this household, there seemed to be no problems. Everyone was happy, everyone was together.

“So Matt, what do you plan on doing when you graduate from school?” Derrek started conversation with me.

“I'm not really sure yet, hopefully something to do with music” I answered.

“That’s a good way to go. Would you want to be in the production, business or artist side of it?”

“Hopefully the artist side, I enjoy the guitar and singing” I moved my fork around my plate and popped some potato into my mouth.

“You should hear him sometime Derrek, he’s amazing at it!” Sophie stated.

I raised my eyebrow at Tash and she shrugged.

“You must play for us sometime” Derrek looked really happy sitting around with his family, “We can all come watch!” Everyone laughed at his excitement.

“Well im hoping to start a band and the local pub has some spots open so il keep you updated” I smiled at him.

“Enough about careers. Who’s going to win in the footy match of eagles versus bulldogs?” Derrek got excited.

“I thought you’d never ask!” I grinned.

“You into the footy? Bulldogs are gonna kick the eagles asses!” Derrek was beaming, probably glad he could talk about football with someone.

“Seriously? You think your little puppies can beat the mighty eagles?”

“Damn straight” Jack reached forward and high fived me, everyone laughed.

“So Matthew, are you friends with Aaron? Tash’s boyfriend?” Louise started. Tash blushed a deep shade of crimson.

“Yeah, actually we’re friends. He’s a good guy, Tash deserves someone as decent as him” I said sincerely. Tash looked up at me, an expression I hadn’t seen her wear before, visible on her face.

“Well he is very cute!” Louise gushed, “You know what would be just wonderful? If you and Tash started to date!”

“Mum-“ Sophie started.

“No, no! It would be so excellent because Tash is best friends with Jasmine and it would just be such a great laugh” I could feel my cheeks going red and I noticed Tash’s had too.

Later on I offered to help wash up because it was unfair to Tash to do it by herself. “Sorry about my Mum!” She said softly, “All of them are so embarrassing” I chuckled lightly.

“Its fine, and trust me, they are so not embarrassing!”

“Did you see the way they grilled each other over ways we could be together? That thought isnt even a valid one!” She laughed and I smiled softly.

“I wish that I had a sort of family like that. Even one that embarrasses you is better then one that you never see” I told her.

“I guess your right, I still love them though!” We looked through the doorway to see Jack trying to save the last chicken wing with Derrek fighting him for it.

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