Tactical Brawl

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--Chapter 27--
Tactical Brawl

The sound of the pitter-patter rain hitting the pavement disturbed the silence among the group. The adult could hear the teens arguing once more—something about ideas and their relationship. The raven let out a pitifully sigh. She knew that as the sunrise got closer, the group would have to face Caster's crew. This also meant facing Archer, which she had questions that lingered in her mind she wanted to ask. If Caster is defeated, then Archer's existence would eventually disappear if his time to find a Master exceeds his time on earth.

"Princess, what's with the sigh?" The raven and her companion were on the bench with their backs pressed together as they sat. Hearing his voice within her mind somewhat settled her frantic emotions from within. "I'm... just thinking of the possible results that could arise when the time comes. If Tohsaka and Emiya defeat Caster, that means three servants would return to the Throne of Heroes correct?" She heard the male hum. "Well yeah, that's correct. Then all that's left is me, Saber, and that blonde bastard."

"...Is it possible that I could make a pact with Archer before his time limit is up?" The Celtic turned as a scowl fell upon his face. "...Milady, why do you want to save that bastard's ass? His betrayal leaves a bad taste to that girl's tongue as well as mine." She thought to herself for a moment. "I just... have questions I want to ask before things turn for the worse. It doesn't matter if he answers it or dodges the questions. I just want to confirm something."

His eye twitched as he sighed with displeasure in his tone. "Okay fine. If this is going to satisfy your curiosity, then go ahead milady." She lightly smiled. "Thank you..." She continued to lean back into her companion. He hummed for a bit before he returned to his original sitting position.

"Milady, are you going to heal those lacerations off of yourself?" His head rolled onto her shoulder, his gaze at her injured skin. "The look of them on your skin makes my blood curdle. Especially that one on your face." She brought her fingers up to her cheek, feeling a scab between her eye and cheek. "Oh, that one was from an arrow..." The Celtic's eyes instantly became more of a beastly form. "That... Betraying... Bastard..."

". I am not willing to let you maul the person I need to question. And that was a warning shot from his end." She placed her hand on top of his that was on the bench as he bit his lip. "The hell you mean a warning shot... That could have taken your head off easily!" He angrily muttered under his breath. "I understood his hidden message. In fact, he doesn't mean any harm towards me. Please understand."

The raven heard strings of muttered curses before he sighed. "...Okay. I trust your words. If there's any funny business, I'm not pulling my punches a second time." A content smile fell upon her features. "I understand. Let me rest until the time comes, can you watch over me?" His smirk replaced his anger as he quickly simmered down. "When do I not, milady?"

— — —

Specks of light began to appear from the horizon as the red-clad servant waited in front of the church. He stood at the entrance, eventually seeing the two teens appearing from the gates. "Knowing you, I was certain that you would come at dawn. So? What stratagem do you have in store this time? You aren't the type to take up a challenge without a plan in mind."

"Yeah..." The blue-haired servant materialized in front of the three as Archer's eyebrow rose. "For the time being, you'll be dealing with me." The red-clad servant smirked. "I'm surprised. You already made a pact with a new Servant within mere days after losing me? I know I'm not the one to talk, but your fickleness is astonishing. Perhaps breaking from you when I did was a good idea." Something sparkled from the corner of his eye as he swiftly dodged the item.

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