Overpass Exchange

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--Chapter 4--
Overpass Exchange

Too shocked by the sudden turn of events, the girl just stared upwards wondering who had just saved her. The person fully materialized, showing a fully clad ultramarine body tights with a metal plate on his abdominal section. They had spiked blue hair, which was in a ragtail-like style, that fell upon their shoulders. What took her interest... were his bright red eyes and the silver ovaloid earrings.

"Are you okay?" The male spoke as the girl was pulled upwards back onto the platform. He gently lowered the female to a more steady platform as she regained her footing on solid ground. She nodded in response to the male, still too confused as to why this person came to the rescue and the uncanny earrings she saw on him.

"What the heck were you doing, running without a care in your surroundings?" The male leaned onto the railing, folding his arms as he glanced at the somewhat startled raven. "... I was going to buy... something from a store before it got too late."

The female took a cautious step back. One, she didn't know who this person was. Two, the fact his tone of voice was more or less informal made it suspicious. Three, his appearance and how he approached her was unusual. And four... Why did he have similar signature readings as the earring she has on now?

"Um. Thank you for rescuing me..." The female said as she began backing away. Being the fact that she had pretty much enough of surprises, she just wanted to be away from all this. "But, I should really be going now..."

Just as she turned away quickly to head to the shop, he reached out to the girl stopping her. "What's with the damn formalities? You don't recognize me, mo banphrionsa?" She looked at the tall male, very confused.

"... Huh? What do you mean?" She tried to shake the male off of her arm. She did recall someone familiar from her past but this was way too much of a coincidence. "I-I don't know you, but I know you're not an ordinary person."

The male, a bit shocked at the sudden response, held the girl slightly tighter within his grasp. "You don't know me, you say? What about what happened years ago?"

"I don't know what you are trying to say..." She winced at the tightness of her wrist. "But you're scaring me. Please... let me go."

Too surprised at the sudden turn of events, the male let go of the girl. "... So you don't recall a thing." She rubbed her wrist as she shook her head. "...As I said, I don't know you. I wouldn't know what you mean by that... But thank you for pulling me back up." She quickly bowed toward the male before running toward the destination she should be heading.

The male was beyond shocked. He just stood there, watching the female run away. He didn't expect for the female to be cold... and somehow not remembering a goddamn thing from the past. 'Is that why I felt that cold attitude from her? She doesn't remember me... Heh. Looks like I'm not important then... Or she has amnesia? But then why does she have those runes at her place and the earring?' He scratched his head confused about the situation. 'Aaah. It's no use thinking too much. I'll just make her remember soon enough. Besides...' The male softly smiled. 'There's a promise she still needs to uphold.'

--- --- --- --- ---

The girl ran toward the designated shop, stopping in front of it to catch her breath. 'Who... exactly was that? I know he's not an ordinary person... A servant?'

She entered the shop, a small bell rang from the top of the door. "Welcome." An elderly-like voice spoke from behind the counter. The female nodded at the elder before walking toward the shelves.

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