Slight Annoyance

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--Chapter 17--
Slight Annoyance

When you hear someone constantly speak of your name as if you're widely known, it eventually tires you out. The constant battering of the label and rumors... It irritated the raven quite a lot. That's why she left Clock Tower in the midst of her high school time and went with a regular public school. She disliked the attention that kept revolving around her. For one, it was obnoxiously annoying and two, it brought a lot of unwanted gossips and drama. Hearing the twin-tailed female speak of her past made her stomach flip with displeasure.

"Ex-Green Ranking," the raven sternly corrected the teen. "I left Clock Tower and never went back. Whatever the rumors or gossips you had come across, I suggest you disregard them." The adult glanced away in disinterest while the female teen was inwardly in glee.

A dramatic cough sounded the teen to return back to reality. "Rin, there is no time for you to be in awe of another woman. Who was the servant that got killed?" The twin-tail female covered their face with their hand, a quick cough escaped from her lips. "I-I am not in awe! But a-anyways... Let's go outside of the school gates first."

The Auburn male looked like deer in headlights, ultimately confused on the situation. The two servants looked at each other, shrugging at themselves. Archer, in particular, let out a heavy sigh although somehow he felt an odd yet familiar air around this raven. The group eventually retreated back to the outskirts of the school where the forest and plains met.

The teen took a breather before speaking. "I want to ask before I talk about the war... Why is Satou-san here in the first place?" All eyes fell upon the raven as she adjusted the lens propped on her nose. "...Um," her thoughts scrambled quickly to find the correct set of words to convey her message. "I was worried about the people that fell unconscious around here." She wasn't wrong; she honestly was worried about the bystanders.

"That I've heard of before. You're willing to help others first before yourself. That's why so many survived while you got hit hard in return." The raven grimaced at the hard-to-swallow rumors. Archer's eyebrow rose, the familiarity of the ideal was quite uncanny. "But that's not the case, is it now," the male servant spoke as his dagger materialized into his right hand. "Archer!"

"No, Archer is right." The blonde servant materialized their blurred weapon as well as cautious of the adult. "You too Saber??" The Auburn male half-shouted as a crease appeared between his brows. "I understand their thinking so I wouldn't blame them." The raven held her right hand up, a red tattoo-like symbol two-thirds filled faced the two teens as she somewhat frowned.

"...Y-You're a Master? How come I didn't notice this important detail?!" The teen frowned at the significant information. 'Because you are too distracted?' The raven inwardly grimaced at this naive teen. 'Were teenagers this unusually naive? I must be lucky to have had broadened my common sense at such a young age...'

"W-Wait then where is your servant? Not having them with you is considered an easy suicide." The raven instantly looked away, her arms folded. "That's a different issue I won't talk about. Consider me a friend or foe, it doesn't matter to me." The two servants eventually lowered their weapons, dematerializing them as their Masters spoke. "She doesn't seem too harmful toward us, Tohsaka."

"Emiya-kun...!" The female teen yelled at the male, her eyebrows knitted together as she pouted. "What? She hasn't done anything yet and you did say that she's someone who saves others first. That doesn't sound like a threat to me." The female teen sighed, ultimately giving into the Auburn's response. "Okay, okay. Let's get back to the main topic."

'At least, I now know how many there are left.' The raven rolled her eyes, finally getting some sort of response on the main objective. Surprisingly, so did the male servant. "The one that was eliminated was the Rider-class servant. I'm not too sure what exactly happened, but it seemed that Caster took her out." Archer folded his arms, his eyes soon closed as he thought about the situation. "Coward... She was just all talk then."

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