Distressing Uneasiness

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--Chapter 23--
Distressing Uneasiness

The following morning, the raven changed out of the pajamas and left them on the bed. She grabbed her bloodstained coat and bag before checking the injured male. She knocked on the door but eventually seeing a missing patient within the room. "...Really now? Teens are very careless these days." She cast Berkana with a single petal as it showed footprints on the ground. Deeming it as the male's, she followed it until it reached the exit. She sighed, not sure what to say to the female teen about the situation.

Eventually, she left the mansion and headed toward the shopping district for some breakfast. It was early in the morning and quite chilly. She chose not to wear her jacket due to the inconspicuous blood stains on the back. It would definitely cause quite a commotion. However, choosing not to wear it caused the raven to sneeze a few times before entering a store to warm up. She quickly bought a warm beverage and a steaming bun before she left the store as she dined walking away. Her body quickly warmed up as her cheeks fell to a slightly reddish color from the wind.

She was walking aimlessly until she recalled she needed to take care of the shop. She crossed the bridge, shivering as she refused to put on the stained jacket that hung over her arm. Finished with her beverage and food, the raven discarded the items into a trash bin at the end of the overpass. She processed towards her florist shop and opened the door. Just as she was about to enter, she felt a pair of large arms wrapped around her waist. She was about to whip around and punch the person until a peck on the cheek was felt as her body relaxed after hearing the voice. "Miss me, mo banphrionsa?"

She turned her body around, greeted by the male's cheeky grin and the aching warmth seeping from his body. She returned the hug, planting her face upon his chiseled chest. "Quite a lot actually, mo ridire." She heard a humming noise from him. "Hmmm... You're frigging cold princess. Why aren't you wearing that jacket of yours?"

She softly sighed as she stepped away from him. "Promise me you won't freak out?" Emerald eyes saw the male nod, in slight confusion. She unfolded her jacket and draped it over her body. The Celtic's eyes instinctively widened in a beastly-like form as he saw the blood stains. Before he could say any words, she pulled him into the store and closed the door. She held him tightly around his neck, hugging him close. "Before you say anything, let me tell you that it's not my blood. I'm not injured at all."

A low angry growl sounded from his throat before he wrapped his arms around her body, hugging her in a protective way. "...I told you not to get yourself into any dangerous situations. You know how that gets me concerned." She lightly smiled. "You know that's not possible, my guardian dog. Whether I want to or not, I am a mage. I'm bound to get some injuries here and there." The female squeaked as the Celtic casually picked her up, having her sit within his arms as her jacket fell onto the ground.

"Well, looks like I'm going to have to prevent you then." His significant smirk appeared, causing the female to blush and frown simultaneously. "Prevent me? How are you going to do that?" He ferociously grinned, making the raven feel quite uncomfortable. "You really want to know, milady?"

"...I-I rather not." She looked away, her blush appearing all over her face and parts of her neck. He gracefully laughed as he lowered her down to his vision and kissed her temple. "I love your reactions, Yuu." She sighed, lightly tapping his shoulders. "D-Do you mind letting me down? I need to tend to the flowers..."

He complied, letting the female down as she grabbed her jacket from the floor and walked toward the back room. The male lazily followed the raven, leaning onto the door frame as she put her stained jacket on the hanger. She grabbed a watering can, filling it up and stopped right in front of her companion. "...Can you move, Cú?" His usual smirk appeared as he lightly shook his head. "Give me an award then maybe."

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