Temporary Cooperation

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--Chapter 24--
Temporary Cooperation

First was the unusual Boundary Field, and now it was the unusual change of side from the person she did not expect. The situation the raven was in was quite a turn of events... literally. Was that the reason why the male came up to her to say that? "Take care of this annoying Master of mine for me while I'm gone." His words echoed in the depths of her mind. There had to be a reason why he chose to side with Caster—Medea, Princess of Colchis...

"Satou-san. Can you be our observer and backup if we need it? Despite the fact that I said I would take on Caster, there will be some complications on the way. There are only a handful of people I would actually trust to do this." The teen approached the raven with a distressing smile. "I will try." The adult accepted the request, despite the itching bug of annoyance that seeped out from within. She wasn't too keen about the teen. The way she reacted outside of serious fights were way beyond control. If Tohsaka were to be a relative of some sorts to the raven, she would probably have had her go through strict rules.

"...What are you looking at, Archer." The adult glared at the male servant who shrugged. "No one in particular. I am just wondering how you'll be able to perform with such poor attack skills." The raven's eye twitched in annoyance. "Why you—"

"Enough is enough, Archer." The teen scolded at the male who eventually backed off. "I'm only stating the facts." The adult felt her eye twitched once more as she inhaled in deeply. "You know what? I'd have enough of you, Archer. Stop butting into my skills. No offense Tohsaka, but I'm taking my leave." The adult glared at the male servant once more before leaving. "Satou-san! We'll be back here in three hours! Until then, be prepared...!" The teen yelled as the raven walked away with her hands deep in her pockets.

Those hours she prepared runes embedded in rather small pebbles and other materials for whatever may happen during the situation. She pocketed her palm-sized staff as she grabbed a different jacket to wear. With her apartment unfortunately not far from the church, it only took her about half an hour to reach the destination with herself sped up by strengthening her legs. She hid within the trees about a kilometer away from the location. She had to use Kenaz to heighten her vision and ability to see the situation within the church.

Seeing the scenario unfold, it was quite a sight. Saber was in an unusual yet almost provocative dress, tied by magic strings; a rather strong set of them too. She saw Caster and her Master as well. What was surprising was that Caster, herself, didn't even sense the raven from afar. Whether she was considered insignificant or she was out of her range, it still allowed her to see the situation. It wasn't a coincidence that the Auburn male appeared as well. Although she couldn't really hear what was happening, she saw that the male servant turned to the other side without any complaints. Caster's Noble Phantasm—Rule Breaker—broke the contract with Rin and Archer, which then turned it over to the witch herself.

The male teen barged right in as Caster's Master was about to hit the female. What was shocking was that the teen's hands somehow brought out two very similar weapons from thin air. Whether it was a coincidence or not, the raven's brows furrowed together. If her memories served her correctly, there is a good chance that this teen is actually Archer's origin. How he's able to exist in our timeline, she doesn't know. All she could do was to confirm with the male himself... that is if there was an actual possibility in doing that.

The raven saw the two teens walk away somewhat unscathed from the church as Archer stayed behind. "Just... why, Archer?" The adult muttered under her breath. As her eyes followed the teens, something glinted in the corner of her eye and she quickly looked toward that direction. A sharp object flew straight toward her as she barely dodged it; a light incision formed just above her cheek. She angrily glared at the male who shot it as she saw his mouth move. One thing for sure was that she was able to read his lips. "Careful and follow them, Yuu-san."

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