Perplexed Strain

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--Chapter 20--
Perplexed Strain

The moment she went home, she was faced with a tight-white shirt and chained jeans right as she opened the door to her apartment. The glowing red eyes stared down at the petite female who eventually closed the door behind her as she entered her home. His arms were folded, his fingers tapping at his arm.

"Where did you go, princess?" His stern expression never seemed to make the raven squeal in how handsome he was. "I was at work before going to the river banks for a food stand...?" She was confused, wondering why the male looks unexpectedly concerned. His orbs gazed into the emerald eyes, looking for any deceptive answers. He firmly stood in place. "I'm sensing a mana signature that's not yours lingering on your bag."

'Ah. Did Archer touch my bag before I left? I don't recall him getting even that close to me.' She was about to answer her companion but her mouth stopped midway of opening. The Celtic's brow arched wondering what she was going to say. She knew he would retort against her reply if she were to lie so she told him the truth. "...I met with Archer on the river banks."

Instinctively, the male pulled the raven close to check any wounds on her body. "Cú, I'm fine. I wasn't ambushed or attacked." She heard a tsk coming from him. "Why the hell was that red-cloaked bastard there?!" He grabbed a hold of her shoulders, looking straight into her emerald orbs. "More importantly, how the hell do you know it's that bastard? You never met any other servant before!"

The emerald eyes sensed anxiety and nervousness pooling into the ruby orbs as his hands slightly shook. Her heart melted at the loving concern that the Child of Light had for her. She lightly placed her hands onto his cheeks, squishing them together. He immensely frowned at the action. "Mo ridire. He hasn't done anything harmful to me. I met their Master as well as Saber and their Master. They know who I am and what I'm capable of. I guess you can say there's a mutual pact between us. So I am fine."

He stared at her for a while longer before his cautious glares and nervousness disappeared from his system. "Fine... As long as you are unharmed. Milady, please stop worrying me." He let go of her shoulders in replaced of a tight embrace. "I'm not a child, Cú. I'm already 24 years of age. I've lived by myself for more than a decade." The female spoke as she returned the hug.

"...Shut it, Yuu. Let me do what I want. I wasn't in your life for that time so I'm making it up to you now." Her heartbeat soared quite high for a moment here. Him being straightforward was very unusual. "C-Cú..."He noticed the sudden rise of her heartbeat beating much faster than usual. "Hmm? Your vitals suddenly shot up..."

The male smirked. "Hoo... Milady, are you thinking about something now?" She furiously shook her head in denial as her face bloomed in a hue of red. "I-I am not! Cú, really now?!" His bellowing laughter vibrated through his chest and onto the female. It was oddly comforting for the raven—it was a way saying that he was quite well alive and there.

"Okay, milady, whatever you say." He lifted the female up from her legs and a sudden squeak escaped her lips. "Now what was that, Yuu?" She instantly covered her mouth; she was a blushing mess within his arms. "N-Nothing at all...!"

"Come on, you should know by now what my intentions are." He genuinely smiled which let her heart to have skipped multiple beats. "You're so cheeky, mo ridire..." His grin widened even further before he planted his lips on her temple. "Only for you, mo banphrionsa."

Holding her quite close, he eventually moved toward the bedroom to have her seated down on her bed. "Milady, I do suggest you remove those outer layers of yours before I do that for you." The raven immensely frowned; a blush ran across her cheeks. "What are you planning, Cú..." He just naturally smiled as he casually fell onto the bed with his side. "Nothing unusual, milady. Can't relax with ya?"

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