Unusual Nostalgia

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--Chapter 3--
Unusual Nostalgia

It was late at night—most likely around midnight. The moon illuminated the night sky with crystal clear lights. On top of a distant apartment building was a female with magenta colored hair. She stood at the very top with a summoning circle beneath her. She muttered a string of unknown incantations from a certain language before a blast of wind and smoke surrounded her.

"I see that a lovely lady is my Master, hn?" A husky voice sounded through the smoke. A male with blue hair, ragtail-like ponytail fell on his shoulders. He wore a matching color skin-tight jumpsuit with metal platings on his shoulders and toward his lower extremities. His arms fell onto his red spear that was on top of his shoulders.

The lady glanced at the male, her arms folded. "Yes, I am your Master. My name is Bazett Fraga McRemitz. You must be..."

"Lancer, at your service... my lady." He smirked, glancing at the figure that would be his master. Knowing that the person who summoned him was a female made it much more tolerable. Either way, he answered to her call just because he wanted to fight once more. "Name's Cú Chulainn."

Bazett felt elated, knowing that she was gotten the servant she wanted to summon. As the magenta-haired female began speaking about her plans for the holy grail war, something piqued the Celtic's interest. It wasn't the fact that his master had a full-fledged bode, but rather a nostalgic feeling that was 5 kilometers northwest of them. "Hey Master, sorry to interrupt you and your plans but something feels off. I'm gonna go check it out."

The female questioned the male. "Let me join you, Lancer." The servant smirked, leaning backward on the edge of the open area wall. "It's fine, nothing too important for the war. I'll be back within minutes." The female hesitated before nodding and complying to her servant's request.

'What is this feeling that's stirring within me.' The blue-haired male jumped from building to building before reaching within a few meters from the apartment that had the concentrated magic. He stood at the top of the building, staring down at the one window with lights on. 'It's coming from there... But it seems like there's a small stream of leaking magic from a corner. Tsk tsk, how carefree.'

The lancer jumped toward the window, slowly opening it before entering the place. 'Now where's this unusual feeling coming from.' The male glanced around the place, with his spear in his left hand. 

Nothing out of the unusual... except for some unique Celtic runes in the corner of the place. 'Oh? Someone else knows the primeval runes besides me and my mentor? How interesting.' He held his spear tightly as his fighting spirit began to rise. He checked the area... to see a rather small female curled up on the couch asleep. 'A careless sleeping beauty... Hnn?'

He dematerialized his spear and took a closer look at the sleeping female. Shoulder-length black hair, a rather small stature, surprisingly curvy body... What caught his utmost attention was the accessory on the left ear. 'That... cannot be it.' His eyes widened as his memories from the past summonings somewhat resurfaced. 'I saw the family disappear with my own eyes. How can this be? I gave that earring to my previous master's companion.'

He knelt down next to the couch, lightly glazing his fingertips on the female's cheeks. The girl swatted the male's hand in her sleep before returning to her slumber. He didn't expect something like this to occur. Then again, he didn't expect to come back to the time in which he originally had taken care of a child—disdainfully—when he was in his prime form. He noticed a small but bright scratch mark on her knuckles. 'Such a careless lady, as always.' He gently raised the girl's hand as his lips barely glazed her fingers.

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