Chapter 23

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Not even a day had passed since that night, where Grace and Theodore's father was left all alone in that nightmare-ish house in Camden Town. The Warrington siblings were now helping his mother move in, into the flat Grace rented for mum and herself, with the help of Theo.

Theo got some of his friends to help him move their childhood stuff and their mother's stuff into the newly rented flat. As Grace was getting her things from Eliza's flat. They had talked over the phone and her friend was more than excited to hear that things were getting better with her mum. But when talking about Dominique, Grace seemed depressed.

"You were honest, Grace... I'm sure she at least appreciates that", Eliza said over the line, as Grace was finishing to take her stuff. "Oh, right, don't forget to take that gold tank top you borrowed me", she said suddenly.

Grace snapped out of it and went to look for it. "Got it!", she said while moving the phone with her, the cord was long enough to allow it. "In which one?", she asked as she was looking at her dresser drawers.

"The second one"

But Grace had already opened the first one and a picture had called her attention. Her face went pale at the sight of a picture of Eliza over John Deacon's lap. She turned the picture around and saw Eliza's own handwriting.


"Did you find it?", Eliza's voice cut through her thoughts. But there were a lot of thoughts flooding her mind. "Gracie?"

"Did you fuck John Deacon?", she asked with a thin voice, she didn't wanted to believe it.

"Grace, let me explain it--"

"Don't", Grace simply said before hanging up.

She looked at the picture before closing the drawer slowly. She didn't cared about the damn tank top. She could keep it. Or use it to fuck John Deacon again.

While taking her stuff out to put it in the car Theo has borrowed her to take her things, she finds Roger looking at house numbers. Maybe he was trying to find Eliza's flat number. But Grace was so angry and sad with herself, that she simply throwed her things in the car and then turned around to lock Eliza's door. As she was hiding the key on the pot, she hears him getting closer.

"Finally, I found you!", she hears Roger say and she doesn't really want to talk to him. Even though she feels so attracted to him, she right now either wants to disappear or wants him to go away. "Gracie, I've missed you"

But she couldn't even talk as she starts tearing up, making him worry.

"Hey, what happened?", he asks, a bit scared of her reaction.

"A lot of things! And you weren't there--", she starts saying, while trying to stop crying. "I'm sorry... it's just that...", but she doesn't even know what to say as he looks at her, warily. She knows that he wants to get closer and wrap her into his arms, and she wants him to do so.

So after a few seconds, as she hides her face under her hands, he finally wraps his arms slowly around her; hearing her cry on his chest, letting her feelings out.

"Do you want to talk about it?", he asks sweetly.

"Not really", she admits.

"It's okay then... I'll wait", he says as she keeps crying. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, Grace... I had things to take care of... I actually was doing the same thing you were doing now"

She was calming down as she looked up to him, he was looking at her with love eyes.

"What?", she asks, not understanding.

"I was moving out of the flat me and Dominique shared... and I know about the call... and I just want you to know that nothing of it was your fault", he starts stroking her hair away from her face, because she's pretty even when she cries. "It was all my fault, okay?"

Grace blinks repeatedly and he smiles. "That's why you only came today?", she asked in a whisper.

"I've talked with Eliza and Freddie, they both told me you'd be going to your parents' house and I thought I'd wait for you to come back to chat and this morning Eliza told me that you were moving with your mum...", he starts telling her. "I was just waiting for the right timing"

"For what?", she asks, dumbfounded.

"For this", he says, before pressing his lips softly against hers. The warmth his body gave hers was sensational, she felt his cold hands pressing her cheeks and pulling her closer to him.

Maybe, despite all the bad feelings, this was what she needed the most. Him.

"Grace, I want to be with you", he admitted. The way she was feeling, was making her know that her feelings were hitting too deep now. There was no turning back now. "Can we be together?"

"I want to, too", she bites her lip, unsure. "But we need more time to heal, I mean me, Dominique... and you too"

Roger seems unpleasant with it, but then he sighs as he nods. "It's true, I'm sorry... I've been insensitive with you and her... I'm such a dick"

"It's okay...", she smiles at her as she wraps her hand around his. "Do you want to meet my mum?"

A few minutes later, they were in front of the flat Grace started renting with her mum and Roger seems nervous. He helps her with some boxes as she drags her suitcase. Inside, Theo and some friends of his were placing some furniture they recovered from the old house.

"Oi, look who came", Theo's evil smirk made Roger laugh.

"Nice to see you too, mate", Roger jokingly greets Theo as Grace's mother peeks through the kitchen she was organizing.

"Theodore, who's that?", she asks, now coming into the living room. She blinked repeatedly and it gave Roger a sweet tenderness feeling, noticing that Grace had the same tic her mother had.

"This is Roger, mum... Roger, this is my mother", Grace said with a wide smile on her face as her mother came close, looking closely at the man.

"Hello Mrs. Warrington", he greeted politely.

"In a few weeks I won't be it anymore, please call me Angelina", she said with a small smile. Roger saw the tiredness in her eyes, but also, he could feel how relieved she was. He could understand Grace now. Maybe, there were still stuff she had to tell him, but he can get it now.

"Mum, he's member of the band I'm managing", Grace was slightly embarrassed while saying it, as Angelina looked at Roger with surprise.

Grace couldn't forget how worried her mother was about rock stars, drugs and alcohol. Her mother seemed tense, but as Roger and Grace exchanged a look, she simply sighed.

"It's great to hear that, Roger... would you like some tea? Maybe you can tell me about your band while we're at it", she smiled at him as Roger sighed in relief.

"I would love that, Angelina"

Theodore and Grace were bickering in the living room as Roger and Angelina spoke in the kitchen. It was because Theo thought that Grace brought Roger too soon and Grace said it was only because she felt like doing it.

"Jeez, relax! I only introduced him as a member of a band I manage, no rush in that", she said, rolling her eyes. "That's what he is, really"

"Anyways, what happened to his ex girl?", he asked her as she was putting some books in the shelf.

"I talked to her... I think we're good"

"You think?", he snorted and Grace almost threw a book at his head if it wasn't for Roger's presence in the kitchen. "Anyways, G... if he makes you happy, then I won't get involved, yeah?"

Grace smiled. "What happened to the crazy motherfucker I had as a brother? Where's he at?", she started teasing him.

"The demon will come out if you fucking ask for it", he squinted his eyes at her and they showed their middle finger at each other at the same time. "Anyways... just... just be sure of what you want, Gracie, okay? Don't be fooled or blinded by feelings that might be just passing by"

It made her think twice, again.

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