Chapter 5

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Her willingness to assist the after party made Paul's job a lot easier as they walked through the crowd while looking around.

"Want something to drink?", he asked her as she wasn't really looking for something or someone, just eyeing around.

"Yeah, sure", she told him and he guided her the way to the bar where she shared some shots with him and then felt fired up, so to ease herself she switched to simply drinking beer. "Since when do you work with these guys?", Grace asked him as they got themselves a booth after some people left.

"Like four or three years ago, I don't remember well", he said while sitting down comfortably while facing her. "But let me tell you something-", he whispered, making her get closer to him as to hear him secretly over the loud music. "Freddie's gay"

"Oh, that's pretty much obvious", Grace giggled while backing away from him, taking a sip of her beer. "He might have a persona while on stage, but on a one-on-one daily basis, he's quite different"

"Yeah, he's all shy and silent when he first meets someone... but with you, I feel like he jumped over that phase and got to like you very quickly", he commented as she finished her bottle and saved her hands on her coat pockets. "You must have something that caught his eye", Paul's eye twinkled as he said this.

"I don't know... I don't find myself unique or anything like that", she shrugged while looking at the dancefloor. People were dancing quiet energetically as they drank and laughed with each other. Across the dancefloor, was the booth were the band was sitting. The frontman wasn't there, but the three men had a girl with them. "I'm quite me... you know? Quite boring"

"Last night you weren't 'quite boring'", he quoted with his fingers as he giggled. "Let me show you, the potential you have", he had noticed that she had briefly eyed the band's booth and that some blue-eyed drummer was looking at her, despite the girl he had all over him. "You might have more power than you think"

"No, Paul", she had gotten closer to him while almost leaning over the table, he was laid back and relaxed as he had lighted a cigarette, hiding his smile as his gaze went across the room once again. "They are married--"

"Roger isn't", he interrupted her before taking another drag and then being him leaning over the table to talk to her closely. "And he's a little shit, good night guaranteed but he's always acting all smug and mighty"

"Not interested", she told him harshly before being interrupted by the presence of someone.

"Hello darlings! May I butt in your conversation? It seems interesting", Freddie had pushed Grace to sit aside her and then he asked Paul for a cigarette in only gestures. "So tell me, Gracie...", he lighted his own cigarette before turning to face her and giving her his whole attention. "...has anything interesting caught your eye tonight?"

She chuckled as she remembered that he was referring to the fun he had last night while dancing with multiple men. The way she rolled her eyes made him chuckle.

"Oh come on, you haven't got any action yet?"

"It's my second day in the job, and I don't think having 'action' it's part of it", she mumbled as he chuckled yet again, she only smiled at his laugh as he called someone over.

"I demand from now on that having fun it's part of the job", he said while making a staff guy bring them more booze. "Where are my bloody friends?", Freddie squinted his eyes as he turned around to look for his bandmates.

Paul shared a glance with Grace that rolled her eyes once again and sipped down her beer instead.

"Oh, there they are--", the frontman said and then started signalling his bandmates to come over. Grace made Paul a gesture so he would move a bit so she would fit beside him, but he had stood up when the band came, making her look at him in panic when effectively Roger sat beside her and the girl he brought sat on his lap.

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