Chapter 4

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Freddie was kind enough to let her stay at his hotel room.

She thought that he was an angel when she opened her eyes and saw him at the other side of the bed, dressing on a white robe while reading a book. He felt her eyes on him and turned slightly to smile at her. "Hello Gracie dear!", he greeted her as he then turned around to hand her something.


"You woke up exactly at the time we should be heading downstairs for brunch", he said while closing the book. "And don't worry about Reid, I've already dealt with him"

She sighed in disgust because her head was spinning around and not slowing down. Freddie had chuckled as he went to the bathroom. "Thank you, Freddie", she said while standing up, not so fast though - it wasn't a good idea to do so. "I'll see you downstairs"

The way to her room was quite long and tiring. She was wearing the sunglasses he gave her and was trying not to walk fast or she would probably trip and fall. Her head was weighing so hard when she took a shower, she had done it with cold water to feel better. Brushing her teeth and hair was almost an impossible job as she felt the bathroom lightning was way too strong.

However, she was able to get her ass on the dining hall were the band was sitting altogether eating brunch. Paul was beside Freddie as he had saved her a place by his side. John was sitting at her other side and she remembered puking on his shoes.

So much for a girl that didn't want to be there, she scolded herself as she greeted the band.

"Here comes our party girl", Roger had said when she sat down and she only smiled awkwardly.

"John, I'm so sorry about your shoes", she bit her lip as he chuckled.

"I've done worse things than that", he told her to ease her nervousness. "Don't worry, things like that happen", she was smiling at him as he handed her some pancakes that were at the center of the table. "Eat up", he told her while Brian handed her some syrup.

She was putting the syrup over her pancake when Freddie handed her a drink on a glass cup. "Drink this, you'll love it", he promised her as she took the glass and took a quick sip of it.

"What's this?", she asked him as he giggled.

"Just drink it", he shoved her off and she only smiled and did so.

Roger was awfully quiet for some reason and Freddie wasn't the one realising so. John had set his eyes on his blonde friend as he was eating his scrambled eggs and then he lifted his eyes to see Grace briefly as she was enjoying her food. He forgot to call his girlfriend last night, but he wasn't sure if he felt guilt at that. And she knew him better than anyone, they had been dating for two years and that's the longest relationship he's ever had.

People would call him rock slut, but he didn't mind at all. At least he was doing everything he wanted to do and he had everything he wanted to have.

Years ago, he didn't thought having a woman formally by his side was a necessity. But when he met Dominique Beyrand, something had changed inside him. He would bring up anything just to meet her, she was a charming french girl and he kind of fell for her.

Or so he thought.

Things had changed after they moved together and she would claim that she wanted to spend more time with him.

"It's difficult", he said while taking her hands. "It's what I do, Dom... I have to go"

"But I miss you", she had whispered over his lips. That night, it broke his heart to hear her say that and he had promised to be better for her, to come back whenever he had time.

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