Chapter 11

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When Grace woke up, the man was taking a shower and she was hiding all her glory with the sheets. She eyed the clock in the night stand and sighed in relief as it was 9 AM yet. She had to get the band ready for the trip to Kansas City today, so she didn't waste any time as the man came out of the shower and she almost had a stroke at the sight of Roger Taylor wrapping a towel over his torso.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to", he said in a low voice as she was in a frozen state. She nodded as he left her some space so she would run to the bathroom and wait until he was gone.

After taking a shower, that was filled of all kind of thoughts, she couldn't help but to hate herself for drinking so much and allowing that situation to happen. She brushed her fingers over her lips as to remember his lips over hers, but she as much as she wanted to remember - she couldn't.

Grace was doing everything the slow motion as she styled her hair with a ponytail, she looked at the hour and saw that she had two minutes to get out of her room and knock in everyone's room. But before stepping out, her eyes fell on the calendar. It was December 8. Her birthday was tomorrow. A sigh came out of her lips.

Her protocol was the same as Brian's room was closer to hers and she knocked at him first, then Roger (after hesitantly doing so), John and Freddie last. She took her suitcase down with the help of the elevator and saw that the tour staff was already setting the things in the tour bus. Her suitcase and messenger bag were safely on the bus as she went to the dining hall were the brunch was already all settled. Looking at her wristwatch, John would probably be the first one to arrive as ten minutes had passed from ten.

But as she was about to sit, she was surprised to see Roger coming first.

"Morning", he greeted her with a nod as she nodded back. He took a plate and she followed him and imitated his actions. There was some awkward silence as neither of them said anything, Roger being raced by his thoughts as Grace felt that hers were eating her alive.

His thoughts went back to last night, when he had a discussion with Freddie and Brian after he slipped off his feelings for her. The three of them were getting into the common room as Brian sat down in a couch while Freddie and Roger were serving themselves some scotch and sharing cigarettes.

"You seem out of your mind, mate", Brian pointed out while sharing a glance with Freddie. They had noticed how Roger was a bit out of himself so the guitarist and the front man knocked on his door, asking for a word with him.

Both of them had talked seriously about it before facing Roger.

"Is anything wrong with Dominique?", asked Freddie as he took a big sip of his scotch. Roger sighed and felt as if it was right to let it all out, with his friends at least.

"Not really... we had a horrible fight", he admitted while lighting the cigarette that was hanging off his mouth and then passing the lighter to Freddie as his friends started lighting his own. "And for the first time, I got sick of her..."

"What do you mean?", Brian furrowed his brows while crossing his legs.

"I have feelings for someone else", he spit out and then took a big long sip of his scotch, Freddie was now shaking his head in denial as Brian was settling the information down in the back of his mind. "And I ended things with Dominique last night"

"Let me guess...", the frontman smiled bitterly and remarked it snarkly. "It's Grace, isn't it?"

Roger didn't lift his eyes off the floor and took another sip of his scotch before taking a drag of the cigarette. He felt his hands shake in anxiety as Brian stood up.

"You can't do this-- Dominique's...", the guitarist was harshly interrupted by an annoyed Freddie.

"I just want to be sure you're sure about this", Freddie spoke to him as if he was talking to a little child, making him lift his eyes that were filled with rage.

"How do you know if this isn't what I want?", he said, making his friends open their mouths in surprise. He had been dating Dominique for two years and out of a sudden he was enchanted by someone else, someone he had met not even two months ago. "And why do you talk about her like that? Didn't you liked Grace?"

"I like her", the frontman nodded while squinting his eyes at him. "But I don't like what you are trying to do, Roger"

"You wouldn't understand, Freddie", he snorted and laughed bitterly. "The love of your life is a woman and you're gay, you only care about drugs, sex and looking fashionable. You said you liked her, anyways..."

"As I stated before, I like her because she's a cool girl and she's our manager...", Freddie clarified himself. "But that doesn't mean you have to be a fucking idiot with the woman that is waiting for you at home"

"He's right Roger, this ain't--", the guitarist stood up but Brian was harshly interrupted by Roger placing down the glass on the table in a very angry manner.

"Why are you so against me fancying her? You've seen me fuck with plenty of women and never said anything! What makes you so angry about the fact that I fucking feel something for someone that is not Dominique?!", there was no words to describe the anger in his face as he looked at both his friends that were standing in front of him. "It's my fucking life--"

"Because Grace is my best friend's little sister and she is already fucked up and you fucking her up more than she already is will only destroy her", Brian had lost his patience. "You're being selfish... there's more than what you feel"

"What are you talking about?", now Roger was the one furrowing his brows as Brian and Freddie shared another glance.

"I'm not talking about it, it's not my business but it's my promise I've made to Theodore", the tall man said after sighing and then looking at his friend sternly. "So stop acting like a fucking hormonal teenager and sort your shit out"

"You won't ever leave Dominique, it's obvious", the frontman said while laughing bitterly.

"You're wrong, I just did", he shook his head and pointed at the ground with his index finger. "Even though I once thought that nobody else would be willing to wait for me at home and do the things she has done for me... all the other girls didn't wanted compromise, they wanted me and all the things that came with just being related to my name...", he mumbled more to himself than to his friends. "Grace is different, is not that Dom hasn't been amazing to me--"

"Yet, you cheat on her", Brian sharply said as Roger rolled his eyes.

"As you cheat on Chrissy too, don't act like a saint, you make me gag-"

"Stop it! Fucking stop it! Roger, don't make this girl lose her job... this is everything she has", Freddie interrupted him as both of them glared at each other. "I'm begging you", he mumbled, knowing more of Grace's history thanks to Brian and Theodore himself. It wasn't his place to let Roger know, but Grace herself if she wanted to.

"What I do or not do, it's none of your business", the drummer spit before storming away from them.

Freddie had sighed as he sat down and gulped down all that was left of his scotch. Brian was still standing as he had his arms crossed.

"He's a fucking idiot. He'll ruin everything."

"Let's just kick it under a bush and pretend nothing's going on... as we always do.", Freddie looked at his feet, trying to calm his friend down. "But we have to be more careful regarding this situation or else, Theo's going to lose his shit--"

"I'm not worried about Theo's reaction, but rather on how things will be for her... if everything goes downhill...", the tall man said while poking his chin with his index finger, but he left the sentence on air as he turned around to glance at his friend. "I've seen her look at him, Fred... and I don't think we can do anything about it"

But the Queen frontman simply sighed after taking a drag of his cigarette.

"We can't do anything, really-- It's up to fate at this point, hilarious, don't you think? We let our lives in the hands of something invisible, never reachable, but somehow tangible enough to change everything"

So the air was way more tense between the frontman, guitarist and drummer in the brunch. John and Grace shared a few quick glances, not really knowing what to do as they were afraid of making things more tense.

So they just shrugged it off and talked as if nothing was wrong.

Paramour | 𝗥𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗼𝗿Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon