Chapter 6

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"No fucking way", Grace heard John yelp as he was carrying his suitcases beside her.

She eyed him as he was looking for something in his pockets and he growled.

"What's wrong?", she asked while a roadie was getting the band's and her belongings into the tour bus that was designated for them. Reid wasn't joining them until they got in Montreal at the end of the month.

"My wallet", he kept looking in his pockets and then sighed. "I think I left it on the dining table... would you mind taking my stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah-- sure", she said as he handed her his belongings and ran into the hotel again.

Now she had her hands full as she tried to walk with her and John's belongings. Brian had chuckled at the sight of this and hurried to help the girl. "Thanks", she said a little bit embarrassed as he simply smiled at her and gave John's suitcase to a roadie, then taking hers and repeating the process.

"Get in, better to choose your bed earlier than anyone else - or you'll have the worst bed", he advised as he noticed that Freddie and Roger were recently coming out of the hotel. "Come on in", he playfully mumbled as she just nodded and followed him.

It was the first time she had ever gotten herself into a tour bus, however, Brian had pulled her by the hand to the end of the hall, where a door separated the common room from the bed bunks. There were six beds in total, two in each wall. Brian himself had chosen the one in the left, the top one.

"Choose one, quickly", he yelled in a whisper as she quickly took the one in the middle, the bottom one, not giving it much thought. She didn't understood why Brian was making such a fuss about it, it was just a bed bunk.

Freddie and Roger bursted in as Freddie quickly took the right wall top bed, Roger had picked the one above Grace. His eyes collided with hers as she was sitting in her own bed.

"So, we're roommates now", he cheekily said as he had putted his suitcase over his bed and taking his fur coat off.

"Pull your dick back into your pants, we're all roommates", Freddie reminded him jokingly as Grace chuckled hiding her blushing cheeks under her hands as Roger simply laughed.

Roger had sat beside her on her bed as she pulled out her journal off her suitcase and he peeped a bit to see that she had a messy calligraphy, she seemed to write in a rush most of the time. "Don't!", she yelped when he eyed it.

"You tempted me", he pointed at the way she was holding the journal, initially, she had opened it fully and he was looking at her as she pulled it out of her suitcase. "What's with that, anyways?"

"I like to keep track of what I have to do on the day", she simply said while pulling a pen out. "Not that I write my feelings and boys names with hearts", she clarified.

"Don't believe you're that kind of person", he shrugged as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You've known me for like two days, of course you wouldn't know me"

"You seem more like an open book, though", he had lifted his knee as both his hands wrapped around it. "You're so expressive"

"And you're creepy", she simply said while shaking her head and focusing on writing down some stuff that were necessary to do when they arrived at Uniondale the next day. Starting from, making sure to get the room keys for the band to call Eliza to ask her about an stylist. She couldn't keep doing it as she had another things to supervise.

"Who's Eliza?", Roger had been eyeing her writing and she jumped in her place, forgetting he was sitting beside her.

"She's my college friend... a cosmetology major, I'm planning to ask her to find someone to replace the stylist I fired the other night", she had simply told him as she scribbled something down, it was just an habit of hers to scribble down anything as to move her hand - even if it was something that made no sense.

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