Chapter 15

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By the time Grace was called by Brian to dinner downstairs, Eliza was telling her that she had to organise herself before they head out for Seattle. She dressed herself in comfy clothes she had because he hadn't exactly said what he had called her for.

The sunglasses Freddie had given her at the start of their friendship - if it is a friendship at all, was hiding her bloodshot eyes and dark eye bags as she crossed the elevator and found the tall Queen guitarist waiting for her in the lobby.

"Hello, how are you?", he had asked so politely as she smiled shyly. She felt guilty looking at him after learning what he had told Eliza about what he thought about her and Roger previously. A weird grimace came across her face as he kept staring at her.

"Hello... I'm fine... how are-", but she couldn't finish as Brian had interrupted her with a impatient look on his face.

"I'll go straight to the point, if you don't mind, Grace", he started talking quickly. "Theodore's here, and I know what happened last night... I'm no one to judge you but I can warn you-"

"Theo's here?", her voice overlapped his as she looked over his shoulder for her older brother. "I'm sure you know what happened last night, but I don't really feel comfortable talking about this... at least not right now"

Brian had sighed after looking at her eyes that denoted distraction after she heard that her older brother was around. "Alright, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable... but I hope you understand the consequences of your... decisions..."

"I do", she had bravely told him even though she felt small under his eyes and beside his tall and imposing figure. "I am also sure that we can find another moment to chat about this"

"Yes, yes... I believe so, too"

The awkward moment had been saved by the guitarist guiding her to the dining hall where Theodore Warrington was sitting beside the window that gave direct view to the streets. He had his long brown hair in a bun, some reading glasses on, his classic white t-shirt neatly opened only letting his collarbone into view - where it could be seen the necklace he, Brian and Roger shared: the one with the Japanese coin on a gold necklace. His hands had a lot of rings on his fingers, he loved them.

After realising that she had seen that necklace on Roger's neck last night and then on Brian's just a few seconds before, made her blink repeatedly.

Theo laughed at her tic and stood up to wrap her with his arms.

"Look who's here!", he had shouted while hugging her tightly and then placing a kiss on her head. "How's my sissy doing?"

"Hi Theo", she had said in a sweet tone of voice as he placed two of his fingers under her chin. "I'm doing fine, thank you-"

"Of course you doing fine!", he had interrupted her, her heart started beating fast against her chest as she quickly eyed Brian that was now sitting quietly while staring at them. "You're traveling a lot! You always wanted to do so", he said with a sweet smile while inviting her to sit down beside him.

"Yeah... I've always wanted to do so", she said with a small smile, feeling her shoulders drop a bit of tension she felt.

The smile Theo gave her assured her a little until he made her sit beside him as Brian was sitting across them.

"Where is the rest?", the eldest Warrington seemed thrilled at the idea of seeing his old friends again after a while. Grace couldn't help but smile brightly at his lighted up face.

"They'll be here soon", the guitarist simply said with a small smile.

"Then we'll order first", Theo said while lifting his hand to call a waitress and ordering something for himself before turning his attention to his little sister. "What you'd like to eat?"

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