Face the music

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Adam POV
The moment I got out I ran for it. My head is reaching of thoughts. Why did you trust him. What if he is going to kill me. No he wouldn't..right? Idk but I NEED to get out of here! I feel like someone ripped out my heart idk why but it feels like someone did. I jumped past the gat. I can't be here.why is he doing this...he said he didn't have a choice but....I-I'm scared of him. My own boyfriend I'm scared of. I ran to the closest house,it was aunt Aquamarine. I knocked on the door. And Shoto answers the door.he said "Adam are you ok?" I started to cry out. He said "Hey hey it's ok I'm here it's ok come in Honey Adam is here!" I when't in side and seen Eclipse,Moonlight,sunlight. I here Aqua say " Where is my nephew!" Then she said "WTF IS YOU CRYING WHO AM NEED TO KILL!!" I said "No one I was just lost and I need to ask you something Aquamarine." She said "Sweet can you give use a minute." Then they left. I said "If you know something is the right thing but people you love will get hurt what do you do?" She said " Adam what happened to make you ask this?" I told her. All of it. She said " Well If it was me..I would try to help them out of the villain thing and than their is no problem ,right." Yes She is so smart! I ran out and text Alex.
Hey Alex it's me Adam I'm sorry I left.
{15 minutes}
It's ok Adam and hey prom is coming up.
Yeah I know prom is coming up.
Yeah well do you want to go with me.
Ok yeah sure I'll be fun bye Alex

Hope you like this one. Please follow Aquamarine_Atlantis

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