The fight

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Six years later
After I got out of school I could see Kacchan hurt someone I was so confused.In YN head Why are you hurting someone Kacchan I thought you wanted to be a hero not a villain. I ran to the fight. I seen Kacchan hurt I-no no no no way he would hurt him not IzuChan ,but then WHAT am I seeing. I screamed at the top of my lungs " PLEASE STOP IT KACCHAN YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS PLEASE STOP." I was yelling to the point I could hear the wolves coming Near. I told them not to attach,so they didn't. I was crying so much seeing him get in a fight Kacchan knows I hate fights.

Bakugo POV
While I was hurting Deku I seen YN crying and yelling at me. " YN STOP YELLING YOU ARE MAKING A SEEN." What am I saying. I'm the one how is making a seen. What am I saying. I have to show him how is boss. I mad my explosion to Deku . " YN WHAT ARE YOU DOING YN YN GET OUT OF THE WAY."

I ran in the way of the exposition. " OWW BAKUGO STOP." I fell to the fool. I could hear some words.

I seen YN on the ground pasted out. The only thing I could think of was Why. Why did YN get in front of me. Why is Kacchan so mad at me. Why just Why. YN was about to fall to the ground when I ran to pick her up. I took one arm Kacchan took the other. we when to YN house because Kacchan said one of her family members can heal people.

Kacchan POV
I hit the door 10 time then YN mom was their she said " Bakugo what happened to YN." I said " I..... I'm so sorry I...I used my quick on YN." I said with tears streaming down my face. I can't look at YN. MN started to yell for her sister how was ready to kill me and so as her brother. I left after they said you where ok. I whisper in your ear and I can tell you can hear me. " YN I..I'm so sorry I hurt you I want you to know that I love you." I said that then kissed YN cheek and left.

Flashback.When I was unconscious. I could here my Dad yelling at mom. " WHY DID I EVEN LOVE YOU I HATE YOU." My Dad said. Then I woke up in tears.

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