When Lee and Kenny go on a supply run and you find out your pregnant

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You were sitting on the couch with Katjaa and you were talking to her. You see Lee and Kenny walks towards the fence with backpacks on. You say "I will be right back." You run over to Lee and Kenny and say "Hey where are you guys going?" Kenny says "We are going on a run sis and we will be back." You pull Lee and Kenny into a hug and Lee and Kenny hug you back and say "Be careful." Lee and Kenny says "We will." You, Lee, and Kenny pull away from the hug. You look at Lee and give him a kiss and Lee kisses back. 2 minutes later, you and Lee pull away from the kiss and say "I love you so much." You nodded at them so they could go. Lee and Kenny go outside the fence and starts walking down the road. You walk back over to Katjaa and sit down. Katjaa says "Where are they going?" You say "They are going on a run and they will be back." You feel acid go up your throat and you grab the bucket next to you and throw up. Katjaa says "Are you okay honey?" You say "No i have been having morning sickness since we got back from the dairy." Katjaa grabs something from her backpack and hands you a pregnancy test and says "Take it because you are going to need it." You say "Thank you." You walk back to your room and go to the bathroom and take the test. 15 minutes later, you look at the results and it says '+.' You were shocked because you were pregnant with Lee's baby and you guys only did it once. You walk out of the bathroom and walk back to Katjaa and say "I'm pregnant." Katjaa says "Lee is the father isn't he?" You say "Yes he is and we did it at the dairy before you guys came to the dairy." Katjaa says "You better be ready to tell Kenny and Lee when they get back." You say "I will." You and Katjaa talk to each other till you have to get rest.

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