When you and Lee move the desk

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You and Lee go into the office because you both have to move the desk to get into the pharmacy. You say "You ready Lee?" Lee says "Yeah." You get a side of the desk and Lee gets the other side of the desk. You and Lee move the desk and you get it against the wall and you cut your finger and say "Ow." Lee says "What's wrong?" You say "I cut my finger." Lee says "I will get you something for your finger." You sit down on the desk and you look at your finger and it was bleeding. You see Lee grab a band aid and walks over to you and says "How bad does it hurt?" You say "It hurts a lot." Lee crouches in front of you and gently grabs your finger and you whimper because of the pain. Lee says "Let me wrap your finger for you." You blush and say "Thank you Lee." Lee wraps your finger and stops the bleeding and you smile. Lee smiles and says "Here you go." You kiss Lee's cheek and say "Thank's Lee." You get off the desk and you and Lee walk out of the office and see if anyone needed help.

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