When you and the group meet Andy and Danny

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You are outside walking around you were trying to keep yourself busy. You see a guy with black hair and brown eyes and another guy has black hair and brown eyes walk out of the forest. You yell "Guys!" Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Clementine, Larry, Lilly, Carley, Ben, and Mark runs over to you and sees what you are seeing. Lee runs over to you and hugs you close and your head close and you hug him back. One of them says "Hey can you help us out?" Carley and Lilly pull out their guns and says "Who are you?" One of them says "My name is Andy and this is my brother Danny." Carley says "What do you want?" Andy says "We need some fuel and we can help your group." You say "How?" Danny says "We can give you food for your group and all we need is fuel." Lilly says "(Y/N), Lee why don't you Carley and Ben go look at this place to make sure it's secure." Lee says "You got a deal we will bring some fuel to your dairy and we bring some food back." Andy says "Sounds good." You and Lee pull away from the hug and start getting ready to go.

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