When you, Lee, Carly, Mark, and Ben go to the Dairy and meet Brenda

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You, Lee, Carely, Mark, and Ben are walking through the forest with Danny and Andy. You and Lee were holding hands and you both stay close to each other. You say "I'm scared Lee." Lee says "I know." Lee pulls you into a side hug and you put your head on his shoulder. Danny and Andy says "Where are you both from (Y/N) and Lee?" Lee says "I grown up in Macon." You say "I grown up in Florida with my brother." Danny and Andy says "We haven't see many people that have been from Macon and Florida in long time." You say "Yeah we haven't either." You, Lee, Carley, Mark, Ben, Danny, and Andy hear shouting and you all get down or behind a tree and Lee holds you close. You then hear a gunshot and you start shaking. Lee feels you shaking and hugs you close and keeps whispering to you to calm down. You snuggle close to Lee and you hide your head into his chest. Carley, Mark, Ben, Danny, and Andy stand up after the guy walks away and you and Lee stand up last and you were still shaking. Danny says "Is she okay?" Lee says "She is shaken up after that gunshot." Danny and Andy says "Keep her calm." Lee pulls you close and you hold him close to you. You, Lee, Carley, Mark, Ben, Danny, and Andy continue walking and you all make it to the dairy. You, Lee, Carley, Mark, and Ben look around and you all were impressed. You see a girl with red hair and brown eyes walking out of the house and says "I saw you all walking down the driveway and you brought some guests. I'm Brenda St. John and welcome to the family dairy." You still held onto Lee and Lee was still trying to calm you down. Brenda looks at you and Lee and says "Is she okay?" Lee says "She is shaken up because we heard a gunshot." Brenda says "Oh sweetie there is nothing going to hurt you hear." You say "Thank you." You and Lee walk off and sit somewhere and Lee tries to calm you down.

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