When you realize you like Lee

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You were in the back of the truck and you were sitting next to Lee. You hadn't felt sick since you got the bite. You look at your arm and you see the bite mark almost healed. You sigh in relief and smile. Lee says "Hey anything new on the bite?" You say "Well i might survive." Lee's eyes widen and says "What?" You show your bite on your arm to Lee and say "I'm going to live it's almost healed and i am not sick." Lee hugs you and you hug him back and Lee says "You're immune to the infection. That's good. I really don't want to kill Clementine's mom and it would be hard on Kenny." You feel your cheeks heat up and you say "I'm glad too and you were right about how Kenny will react." You were glad that Lee cared about you, Kenny, and Clementine. You were glad Lee was glad to not kill you. You knew you had a crush on Lee but you were glad because Clementine's dad left both of you when she was little. You snuggle into Lee and Lee made sure you were comfortable and you close your eyes and go to sleep.

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