When you, Lee, Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, and Clementine go to Macon

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You and Lee woke up awhile ago and you were glad you weren't going to die. You, Lee, Clementine, Katjaa, Duck, and Kenny make it to Macon. You and Lee get out of the back of the truck. Lee hands you your gun back and says "You will need this to protect yourself." You take your gun and you kiss Lee's cheek and say "Thank's Lee." You see Kenny, Clementine, Katjaa, and Duck get out of the truck. Clementine runs over to you and hugs you and you hug her back. Kenny says "How are you doing sis?" You say "I am just doing just fine." You and Clementine pull away from the hug. You show them your bite and say "I'm going to survive." Kenny runs over to you and hugs you and you hug him back. Kenny starts tearing up and says "I am so glad you are ok sis." You say "I am glad too." You and Kenny pull away from the hug. You grab your gun take your ammo clip out and you check and you have 5 bullets and put the ammo clip back in. You say "We only 6 bullets one in the chamber and i have another clip." Kenny says "That's good. We will need it just in case." You say "I will be in front and you will be behind me, ok?" Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Clementine, and Lee nodded. You walk in front of them and Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Clementine, and Lee were right behind you. You raise your gun and you look around for any walkers as your walking. Lee says "How's looking up there?" You say "All clear right now Lee. Stay close to Clementine." Lee nodded and stayed close to Clementine. You look around and you see someone but you knew it was a walker and whisper "Stay silent there is walker in front behind that Truck." Kenny says "Ok." You see the walker look at you, Lee, Clementine, Katjaa, Duck, and Kenny and stands up and you see walkers surrounding all of you. Clementine runs over to you and hugs you around the waist and you hug Clementine close. You see Duck get knocked down by a walker and you shoot the walker in the head and it had 2 bullets in it's head. Duck gets the walker off of him and runs over to Kenny and Katjaa. You look over to see someone that you thought you would never see again.

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