When Lee and Carley goes to rescue Glenn and comes back with Glenn

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You woke up and you see everyone doing something. You say "Lee." Lee looks at you and walks over to you and says "Hey (Y/N). How are you feeling?" You say "I am ok right now." You sit up and you look at Lee. Clementine looks at you and smiles and runs over to you and you hug her back. Clementine says "I'm am glad you are mommy." You say "Me too Clem." Lee says "Clementine do you mind watching your mom till Me and Carley get back?" Clementine says "Yeah." You say "What's going on?" Lee says "Glenn is stuck at the motel and me and Carley are going to get him." You and Clementine pull away from the hug. You stand up and hug Lee and Lee hugs you back and you say "Please be careful for me and Clementine." Lee says "I will and you both be careful too." You kiss Lee's cheek and you and Lee pull away from the hug. You sit back down and you see Lee and Carley leave. Clementine says "So you like Lee?" You look at Clementine and says "Yes i do but please don't tell anyone." Kenny says "Tell anyone what?" Clementine says "Mom has a crush on Lee." You say "Clementine." Kenny says "Really sis? You like Lee?" You sigh and say "Yes i like Lee." Kenny says "It's ok sis." You sigh and lay back in your chair. 


You see Lee, Carley, and Glenn come back and you say "Everything went ok?" Lee says "Yeah we just had some problems but we got out fine." You say "Ok." Lee walks over to you and hugs you and you hug him back. You say "I'm glad you guys are ok." Lee says "I am glad too. I'm glad you both are ok too." You and Lee pull away from the hug. You see Clementine and Kenny smirking and your stomach hurts again and you hold your stomach. Lee says "(Y/N) what's wrong?" You say "My stomach hurts again." Lee says "Kenny can come here for a second?" Kenny walks over to you and says "Yeah what's up?" Lee says "Do you know why (Y/N) is having stomach aches a lot?" Kenny says "She doesn't have the medicine she needs and we need to get into the pharmacy so we can get her those meds." You lay down on the chairs and Lee rubs your head and you get comfortable. Kenny says "Sis get some rest and we will get you those pills." You say "Thank you." Lee says "I will check on you in a bit and you get some rest." You say "Ok and i will get some rest and please keep an eye on Clementine." Kenny and Lee says "We will." You close your eyes and you soon fall asleep.

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